Take It Or Leave It..

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Rosie's P.O.V

I woke to a blinding headache.. felt as if my head would explode any minute. I was never hung over before. Hell I've only drunk twice my whole life!!

I couldn't dare to open my eyes. Fearing the sunlight shining throw the window would blind me once and for all.. what happened last night? I couldn't remember much of anything.. and the hardest that I try to remember, the more my head hurts.. ugh..

I groaned and turned in my bed.. wanting nothing but to go back to sleep.. but my face hit something hard.. what the hell? I contemplated whether to open my eyes or not but I finally decided that I need to know what or who the hell is in my bed..

I opened my eyes slowly, but to my surprise, no sunlight hit me.. the room was completely dim.. it was dark outside.. how long have I been sleeping??

I looked at the figure in my bed and suppressed a gasp..

I shot up to sitting position but immediately regretted it, my head pounded worse, and I felt sick.. really sick.. like I could throw up any minute..

maybe I should throw up all over him.. yeah.. that would be a great idea, cuz WHAT THE HELL IS DAMON SALVATORE DOING IN MY BED???

To my relieve, I noticed that I was fully clothed.. well, if you could call being in my short pj's shorts and a tank top is being fully clothed.. but you got the point..

Him on the other hand, was everything but fully clothed.. he was there.. laying in my bed.. in only his boxers.. shameless asshole!

but I couldn't not rank my eyes over his semi naked body, and I had to admire.. my gosh! I've never seen anyone like him! Maybe in the movies yeah.. but not in real life.. his smooth hairless chest.. six pack.. board shoulders and evident muscles.. he was.. what he always called himself.. extremely hot..

I averted my eyes to his face.. how could someone so obnoxious and a pain in the ass look so god damn angelic like this while sleeping??

I couldn't bring myself to wake him up.. though I was desperate to know what happened last night and how he ended up in my bed..

I laid back again.. head killing me and still feeling very sick.. but the thought of going up to the bathroom to get some medicine or even throw up was making me more sick..

I stared at his face.. his black silky hair covering bits of his eyes and face.. his long thick eyelashes that a girl would die for.. his full lips..

he really was the most gorgeous boy.. no, ,man, I've ever seen..

My mind started wondering to our 'friendship' in process.. surprised at how fast my feelings changed towards him.. maybe because I never really had a reason to hate him.. I just did.. so when he gave me reasons to like him, I immediately did..

he made me laugh.. was so easy to be around.. and seemed like the type of guy that you could count on, since I was home safe in my bed after a drunk night out.. he's probably the one who brought me here.. though he's also the one that got me drunk but ya know..

I liked him.. but I had made a promise to myself.. friends is all that we will ever be.. he was a player.. and he certainly won't change his ways for me.. no player changed his ways for a girl except in movies..

friendship is better.. I really don't want my heart broken again..

I was cut off my thoughts by his husky voice.. though his eyes were still closed.. "you're staring.. it's creepy"

He opened his eyes and smirked at me..

"how the hell did you know??" I asked him.. really surprised..

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