Yupp.. I'm a vamp..

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Chapter 2

I jumped out of her room and into the empty street.. what the hell has gotten into me? Why didn't I just feed on that girl and leave like I always did? Why did I even go into her room? I mean, surely it wasn't my habit to just jump into a random window and feed on who ever I found in there..

I almost forgot my thirst as I strolled down the street thinking about her.. until I saw a man walking on the other side of the road on his own.. I was behind him in a blur.. tapped on his shoulder, he jumped in shock and turned to face me, and I was the last thing he saw..

Ugh.. that was so not me.. to get distracted by a girl.. I'm never coming this way again.. I thought to myself while making an irritated face..

So, I'm a vampire, (yes we do exist.. DUH!).. usually spent my time moving between big cities like Vegas and New York.. it was easier to hunt there and admit it, way more fun than a small boring town like Mystic Falls where they had dinner parties for fun and had only one place that everybody hanged around in..

Why did I come here then you ask. Well, my dear little brother.. I had promised him an eternity of misery and was just about to continue keeping my word after giving him 15 years of break. Why?! We don't exactly get along well.. probably has something to do with the fact that we both fell in love with the same woman that, as much as I hate to admit it, chose him over me.. still can't figure out why. I mean, If you see me you'd be surprised too.. I'm way too good looking to be chosen over!

I had finished my, let's so call it, meal.. then went back to the boarding house.. where my dear little brother lives and where I'm moving in.. hell he's gonna be thrilled to see me.. I smirked to myself imagining Stefan's expression when he saw me. should have a camera with me cuz I bet it'll be priceless!

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