The Bet Is On..

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the first few chapters are already written so i'd be uploading everyday till they're all uploaded..

guys pleeeeeease.. comment, vote, fan.. will mean THE WORLD to me and will keep me going..i PROMISE it will get better..

MUCH love to y'all..



I composed myself, "sorry" I was finally able to say it..

"oh no worries.. it's fine" he replied..

his voice was sending chills to my spine.. he was.. dangerously beautiful.. and I couldn't stare anymore.. I was actually scared. Don't know why.. but I was.

I pushed my way past him and ran to my car.. who the hell was that guy?! A new student?

I reached my car, only to find him leaning against it..

"wha.. how the hell…?" but I couldn’t continue as I had gotten closer and met his eyes.

He noticed my confusion.. "I could be really fast sometimes" he winked.. "you dropped this when you.. er.. hit me" he said as he handed me one of my notebooks..

"thanks" I said to him in a hushed voice.. Why am I scared?!!

He didn't say anything..  just stood there smirking at me.. and I got more scared.. his ice blue eyes piercing into mine.. I was starting to get REALLY uncomfortable then..

"um.. anything else?" I asked shifting.. just wanting to break the eye contact..

"no" he simply replied.. and kept staring..

I lifted my eyebrow at him.. he still didn't make a move..

"well then if that's all,  can you please move cuz I need to get in my car and go home?" I asked him, getting frustrated.. just wanting him to go away..

"sure" he said while moving a bit away from my car..

I quickly got in and drove away, I saw him in the rearview mirror still standing there.. watching me..

Ok.. now that was really weird! What the hell is wrong with that guy? he's creeping the hell outta me! but damn it,  he's beautiful.. I could honestly say he's the most gorgeous man I've ever met.. but still.. creepy.

I reached home to find Kate's car parked outside.. ugh.. not today Kate.. I know she's my bestie and all.. and she comes to my place all the time without telling me in advance.. but right now is not the time.. I wasn't in the mood.. that guy really troubled me and I don't even know why..

I went in.. "I'm hooome" I yelled to the house.. mom was in the kitchen.. I greeted her with a kiss and then went up to my room where I bet Kate was.. probably snooping around.. I rolled my eyes at that thought..

"what are you doing?" I asked as soon as I got in my room.. my room that was really tidy this morning before I left.. but now my whole wardrobe was on my bed.. really beautiful Kate-.-

"oh hello to you too" she said raising an eyebrow..

"hey" I replied while throwing myself on the bed ON the piles and piles of clothes..

"what's wrong?  You were fine before we left school?" she asked turning serious..

"what do you want Kate?!" I asked her tiredly..

"oh what do I want?! well, I hadn't came here for a while and thought we'd spend some girls' time together but looks like that's not gonna happen.. what's wrong Rosie? What happened on the way from school here?"..

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