Vibrant Pocket..

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hey guys:D

thnx SO much for those of you who fanned.. means ALOT to me^_^ but my story still doesnt have any comment or votes:(((( c'mon! is it THAT bad??? *pouts*

guys pllleeease *puppy eyes*.. show me more love<3 cuz i honestly love each and every one of you<3


you all have a great day:D

Rosie's P.O.V

It was 6 in the afternoon and I was doing my homework when I received a text from Kate..

- we all goin out in 2 hrs 2 the grill.. will pick u up @ 7:45

- sry. Doin HW     

- dnt b l8

- did u nt receive my txt?

- 7:45

- !!!!!!!!!!!

- oh dnt b such a bore! Ts a fri ni8!

She'll probably just drag me out the house with my pj's if I wasn't ready.. so might as well go with dignity..

- k.. fine. 7:45

I had this bad urge to call Damon and invite him to come with us but I didn't have his number.. then I thought I'd call Elena Gilbert, she's his brother's girlfriend, she should have it.. we weren't really close me and her.. but we often talked.. she's friends with almost everyone..

"hello"? she picked up after the third ring..

"hey Elena.. how are you?"

"I'm great thanks.. you?"

"I'm ok.. hmm.. Elena I was wondering.. if you have.. hmm.. Damon's number?"

"what do you want with Damon?" her voice was suddenly different.. I can tell she wasn't happy about it.. but why?!

"uh.. we, hmm, me and my friends are going out tonight and I thought I'd tell him to come too.. why? You've a problem with that?" I asked her suspiciously..

"you and him are like,, friends or something?"

"I guess you can say becoming friends.." I replies sheepishly..

"well, If I were you I'd stop the process.."


"look Rosie.. I know he's such a funny, fun and extremely handsome guy.. but he's not.. hmm.. really nice.. you don't want him close to you.."


"uh.. just cuz.."


"sorry I gotta go.. but Rosie please,  just don't befriend him.. bye"

"I.. bye.."

What the hell was that about? What is she not telling me?

Elena really got me messed up.. I mean, the day I decide to just let it be and have him as a friend she comes along and tells me not to..  damn it.. was my hunch right? Is he really dangerous?!

I dropped the idea and headed to the bathroom, had a shower.. did my hair then dug through my closet trying to find something to wear.. I finally settled on a pair of skinny black jeans with a navy V neck long sleeved top and my black converse.. I let my hair down after I dried it and was about to go downstairs when my phone went off.. unknown number flashing across the screen.. I picked up..


"hey ya sunshine.. what's up?"

"ugh.. it's you.." yup.. who else?!

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