Lesly's Questions

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PrincessChica1 tagged me a long time ago but of course I forgot XD but for some reason she tagged me in a tag that I tagged her in (tag-ception). Luckily she picked out her own questions so I'll answer them here.

1.) If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
One part of me says yea! I would be the bestest friend I ever had. But another part of me says I wouldn't at all because I'm very weird and awkward.

2.) What is your eye color?
Nothing special. Just the usual brown eyes.

3.) If you could marry anyone (2D or IRL) who would it be?
I can't think of anyone in real life so I'll say...Gohan. Why did I tag Lesly? XD

4.) What's your best and worst subjects?
Best: Science and math
Worst: History and Spanish

5.) If you had one personal selfish wish, what would it be and why?
With my current circumstances I would wish to win a good amount of money. I'm not actually the type of person to care about money. But now that I'm in college I hate that I have to see my family struggle to keep me here. Also, having the money would be good to give to my other family members that have really been struggling because of something that happened almost a whole year ago. And I could also pay off what my brother owes for going to school.

6.) Would you rather have the ability to read minds, or be invisible?
Reading minds is kinda creepy o.o plus I don't really see any use for me to read minds. I'd rather be able to turn invisible. It would be fun hiding from people

7.) Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
I'm not sure. And if they did I would have trouble actually believing it was true.

8.) Are you friends with people you were friends with 2 years ago?
Yes and no. I believe I'm friends with everyone from 2 years ago. But some people online I haven't talked to much. Also, since graduation I haven't really talked to my highschool friends.

9.) What was the strangest thing you believed as a child?
There were sometimes as a kid that I believed that Toy Story could have been right and my toys came to life while I was gone.

10.) If you could eliminate one weakness/limitation what would it be?
I think I would eliminate my shyness. It kinda holds me back. I can never start conversations with new people. And making friends and being comfortable takes a long time. And honestly, I can still be shy around even my best friends. I wish I could just stop being that way.

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