5.) Best Friends

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Warning, this may get deep and long. I recommend you don't read this even if your my best friends. ;-;

Dear best friends,
I feel like this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to write. It's just that I feel like I have to be careful of everything I say because I don't want to lose any of you, and I feel like everything I say might be a mistake. Even by saying that I'm worried I said the wrong thing. I know I could simply say, "Hi! I would just like to thank you for being such great friends. All of you are so amazing and I care for all of you." All of that is true but I'm unsure that if you read this that you'll even know you're my best friend. Well if I'm able to consider you my friend then I'm able to consider you one of my best friends. That's because you're part of the few people who have been able to except me. I know that most of you won't consider me one of your best friends but I don't care, as long as I don't ever lose you as my friend. If your one of my face-to-face, you probably won't read this even if you have watty because I'm to much of a chicken to communicate to you on here like a normal friend would. I'm actually scared that you might be reading this. That even goes to my friends that I have made on here, but it's more likely you are actually reading this. And to all my friends, I'm sorry for being a bad friend. I feel like I don't know how to be a good friend. I just hope you'll understand that.

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