19.) Facts

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20 facts about myself

Hello people who actually read this. I'll try to do 20 different facts than I did in the tag thing. 7/5/2016

1.) Today is the day AP scores were released and when I wrote this I had not looked at them yet.

2.) I most likely have practice for water polo today. Yes...I must go during summer vacation.

3.) Since I started swimming I have gotten a really bad tan (I blame summer practices)

4.) I'm going to turn 17 which means only one more year until I'm an adult o.o

5.) I'm currently taking summer school to get ahead in my classes.

6.) Once the school year starts I'll be a senior :P

7.) I live in America...stop stalking me o.o

8.) I don't say bad words

9.) I've been single for my whole life so Yea. I've never dated before

10.) I love video games even though I don't have much time to play them

11.) I'm a big animal lover

12.) I don't think there was ever a time in my life where my family didn't at least have one pet.

13.) I recently got Minecraft but still haven't tried playing it

14.) I'm scared for my senior year...and the graduation O.O

15.) People tell me I look young for my age

16.) I'm allergic to several things but none of them could really kill me. Just a lot of sneezing

17.) (Darn I'm running out of ideas) I don't have a job yet because I'm focusing on school and my sport because college

18.) When I sad in the drivers seat of my mom's car I couldn't reach the pedal and look out the window very much....so I'm short

19.) Sogimasimnocralbahodeuponosulcnietnegalnocodnalbahsamelborpohcumognet

20.) The last one may or may not be a fact but it's not like you can read it X3

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