14.) Superpowers

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Three superpowers I wish I could have.

(Yes I'm finally updating this book but it doesn't really matter since hardly anyone reads it XP)

And theres so many superpowers to choose from! How can I choose just 3?! I'll do my best to choose the ones I wish for the most.

1.) Flying/ instant transmission: yes I know I already cheated and put 2 in one but I want them for the same reason. Getting from one place to another without having to worry about what's in between. I think about this almost everyday going from class to class, mostly because I just want to skip walking through all the people to get to my next class. And I know it would be easier to have instant transmission than flying but I just love the thought of going through the air. So I guess iv would be fine with one or the other.

2.) Animal metamorphosis (aka. The ability to change into animals): I just love animals so much and I would love to see how it is to be them. Plus, this basically gives me the ability of any animal.

3.) Magic hair styling: (I don't know what to call it so yea): This one may be simple and not have any use but I think it would be cool. So basically I want the ability to grow my hair at will and to have it at any style by just me thinking about it. I know this sounds crazy and makes me sound like I'm obsessed with hair but I have a reason. Well I've always have had...long hair. And I've kinda always wondered what it would be like to have short hair, but if I were to cut it I know it would never grow back to the way it is. So I think this would be a good superpower for me.

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