11.) Song

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I'm sorry for not updating this like I'm supposed to but to be fair, not many people are reading this. But thanks to the people who are :D

A song that sums up today's mood and why.

Just watch the video. Ok I know the song can probably be seen as cliche and answers the question obviously but it true.
I'm so happy today! X3
Now time to explain why. Well yesterday I went to the fair and it was so fun! I also had enough money this year to actually buy something. And I even bought my 4 friends an anime poster, each. I just wanted to do something nice for them and I really surprised them when I gave it to them in the morning. I was just so happy seeing them so happy! Also practice was cancelled for me and I get to rest after walking all day yesterday. Oh and my family's new frigde came in today.
Anyways, that sums up my mood for today even though that happened so early in the day.X3

9/28/2015- This day must be remembered :p

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