2.) My heart

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Five ways to win my heart.

Tbh, this is probably a difficult thing to do. I'll just get to the point. I tried to put it from least important to most important.

1.) Be hard working

2.)Be mature but still be able to act like a child
(I feel like I have to explain this one. Well when I think you should be able to act mature and respectable in appropriate situations like school and around adults/strangers. But at the same time, be able to joke and have inicient fun like a child. Just because we are not children anymore doesn't mean we can't play like them.)

3.) Don't change yourself to fit what you think I want

4.)Be a kind/polite person

5.) Understand/Accept me for who I am

There was one more I wanted to add but its kinda personal. There is a few more too but this is my top 5.

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