23.) Fears

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Three biggest fears.

1.) Having to talk in front of people. Bleh...presentations. I enjoy making the actual presentation but going in front of people and having to talk about it is the worst. It's even bad when I'm trying to tell a story to a group of friends. I always mess up when I'm the center of attention.

2.) The ocean, the sky, or space. Basically anything that feels like a void. Like if the same thing is surrounding you from any angles you look at. And this is a side note but I do have a fear of heights too but not as bad as others. And you know how they tell you not to look down. Well one time on a ladder I decided to look up and all I could see was the sky and it was like it was surrounding me. Yea, I'd rather look down.

3.) Don't laugh... but the dark. *looks at night light in the corner of the room* and no it's not the darkess that's scary...its what's in the dark o.o


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