13.) Problem

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One problem I have.

I'm sorry I haven't been working on this book...or any of my books. But now I will be continuing!

One problem I have is I'm way too shy. When I'm around people I don't know well, I just want to get away. I hate when random strangers talk to me because I never know what to say. And when talking to people I try to not act shy as best as I can but honestly, I think I tense up. And it's not even just people I don't know well that I am shy with, it's also my friends. I'm always afraid I'll say the wrong thing, like even now typing this. I'm not even sure if my friends can tell I'm being shy around them or think I just have hardly anything to say. Being shy has stopped me from saying and maybe even doing many things. Welp, that is all.

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