26.) Change

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Three things I would change about myself if I could.

1.) My height. This is the first one because I don't want this changed that one that much. I'm short but I actually like it. Still, there are disadvantages to being short.

2.) My procrastination. (If you don't know what this is it is when you leave stuff to the last minute to do) you may say this is easy to fix and you just need to work don't wait to finish something. That's not true. Procrastination is practically a disease and it apparently can be part of your genes. I've been trying to stop this habit but have failed. This book is even proof of my procrastination!

3.) My strength. I'm not very strong. Yes I'm a girl and I'm small but I think I'm just too weak. It seriously affects how I do in my sport, water polo. For example, I can work really hard and go to practice everyday but other girls skip many practices and goof off and will always be better than me. I guess I'm just not as strong as them. My grandma says it's because I'm small and of course I won't be as good as them, no matter how hard I try. I know she is trying to help but she is basically telling me that unless I grow I can never be as strong as them.

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