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Hey! Sorry, this took so long to write up, I've been having some personal issues that I needed to get past first, but I'm all good now! 

As per usual, junior year would be next on my list. (Obviously because after sophomore is junior, duh) And with this year, comes a lot- and I mean a LOT- of pain and suffering. 

Oh.. you-... you thought this year was going to be easy? 
Try again. 

Junior year is what really matters. You've got SATs and ACTs to prepare for, harder classes to take, and colleges to choose. You may not know this, but junior year grades/GPA is mainly what colleges are going to be looking at, so make it count. 

On the bright side, your junior year can be fun! You can go to prom (for some schools, at least), you can go off campus for lunch (if your school does that?), you can join electives specifically for upperclassmen, and you're not considered an underclassman anymore, which is totally worth it. Oh! And did I mention most of you will be able to drive? Cool, huh. 

As I've probably said numerous time, YOU make high school fun. If you just sit idly by, you're going to make yourself miserable. 

So, go out there and do something! Trust me, if introverted little ol' me can do it, you can too. Seriously. 

Have a great year, guys. 


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