What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

"She's coming" she said and sat back as if nothing happened.
"Thank you be, you're the best" she giggled making y/n laugh. It's been so long since I've heard that laugh.

Jamie gave me a look and I cleared my throat, gaining y/n's attention. Well, more accurately, her glare.
"Well, it seems that you guys have a lot of catching up to do. I'll leave you to it, we'll celebrate another time y/n" I said with a smile.
"Oh please, no need to reschedule " y/n scoffed slightly and rolled her eyes.
That hurt. My smile instantly dropped and my head hung a bit.

I don't understand why she hates me so much.

Jamie POV

Y/n spat those words at Mark and he looked like he had just gotten stabbed. I could see that that definitely hurt him. He hung his head and then said to me
"It was nice meeting you Jamie" I smiled at him and replied
"Like wise Mark"
"Bye y/n" he said softly and began walking toward the door.
"Yeah, bye Mark " she said, not even caring or looking at him.
He reached the door and took a breath before opening it. I glanced back at him and I could've sworn he looked like he wanted to cry.
"G'bye girls" he said monotonously and left.

As soon as the door closed, she blurted out
"Thank God, finally he does something I agree with " her words struck me like lightening. My y/n would never be this mean. She's acting like a whole other person.

"What is wrong with you? " I blurted out, unable to stomach my friend, or more accurately, this cold hearted monster that looks like my friend
"What? What are you talking about. I'm fine" she said nonchalantly.
"Really? Do you seriously not hear yourself right now? " I asked, baffled.
"What would you know" she retorted and I felt like slapping her right then and there.

But I didn't, although she needed it. I claimed myself and spoke
"Y/n, I'm your best friend"
"That's not something a best friend would say" she retorted.
"It is when that friend is not acting like themselves "
"Whatever" she scoffed. This was not my y/n.

"Hey, I know you. This, this is not you" I said trying my hardest to not bitch slap some sense into her.

"What has gotten into you?! You're not like this"
"Did you come here to ruin my day, cuz if so, I suggest you leave before I -" she stopped herself.
"Before you what?! Y/n" my voice slightly raised as she pissed me off more and more.

"Nothing. Look why don't you just back to your perfect little life with your perfect little fiancé. My day was way better without you" she shouted slightly and sitting up straight.
"Cut the shit, y/n. I came out here to see you" I said, furrowing my eyebrows.
"I didn't ask you to! " she yelled standing up.
"So I need permission to visit my bestie " I retorted, standing up as well. She scoffed silently and mumbled
"Bestie" my eyebrows raised slightly.
"What? " I questioned, placing my hands on my hips.
She looked at me square and said loudly
"Some fucking bestie"
"What the fuc-" I was cut off when she pushed me back slightly.
That was the last straw. I was not putting up with that bullshit anymore. It was time she had some fucking sense knocked into her.

Without hesitation, I punched her square in the face, not as hard as I wanted to though. She stumbled back a bit and held her face. She looked at me and I was fucking furious.
Y/n opened he mouth to say something by I beat her to it.
"Now you listen here, you need to cut the shit and pull yourself together. God, one fucking month you're alone and you then into...this! " my voice raised as I gestured to all of her.

She hung her head a bit as I sighed and grabbed her arm gently. I sat her down and sat next to her. I took her face and examined where I hit her. I love her but she needed it.
"What do you mean 'this'? " she asked softly.
"This cold hearted, heartless uncaring person" I replied, she needed to hear it.
"I'm not heartless " she said softly.
"Really? You just threw aside the one person who'd probably give their life for you "
"I didn't throw you aside" she said and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not talking about me" I informed her and took a breath.

Manipulation (Sequel To Total Control)Where stories live. Discover now