I rolled my eyes at his little response. "We both know you couldn't risk losing me at this moment." I had my hands on my hip while my eyes looked up at him. Infact I was exactly right about the statement I had made. Eli needed me to help him figure out who the traitor was and for many other things.

"Or you coming or not?" he asked again. I shook my head yes and followed right behind him as he led me to who knows where. He led me through different hallways all the way to a door that said rooftop.

I stopped,  looking at Eli weirdly. "Are we allowed to go up their?" I questioned not really in the mood to get in trouble with the staff. "Looks who's goody too shoes all of a sudden." Eli said with a laugh while dragging me through the door and up the steps. When we reached the top their was a couple of black foldable chairs. I walked past them to get a better look at the view. As soon as my eyes landed on such a sight my mouth opened in awe. "Its beautiful!" I simply said.

I don't know what it is about veiws but I love the sight of them. I felt a presence next to me and turned to see Eli looking at what I found a wonderful view. "It is." he added on to the comment that I had made earlier. "You know you've turned into a big softy." I teased him. He turned his attention back to me and cracked a smile. "You know I think im only like that towards you. To be honest I don't know what your doing to me." he said leaving a confused me.

"What do you mean?" My lips moved to the side as I waited for him to respond. "I dont know lately Ziara you have made me think about a lot of things that I normally don't think about." He was trying to say. I was still indeed confused because what he was saying didn't really make any since. "Its hard to explain like when you walk into a room my eyes go to you and your beauty takes my breathe away. I can hardly focus on things that im suppose to do when your around."

The words that came out of his mouth, I don't know why but made me smile.

"Are you saying your attracted to me Eli?" I asked him wondering what he was going to say next. "Yes Ziara I am extremely attracted to you. Its not just your looks either its your personality, like its easy to talk to you and I know I can trust you." His carmel cheeks began to get as red as mines was earlier when he caught me pounding on his door. For little bit it felt kind of awkward until we got use to the feeling. It was getting kind of late and the sun was beginning to set.

"Ziara?" His voice boomed. "Yes?" I said back to him. "If I kiss you right now what would you do?" My eyes got wide as the question had processed in my mind. It seemed as if he flipped the script once again making me the one who felt embarrassed. He wasnt making it any better as he moved closer to me wrappping his hands around my waist. He was calm and relaxed. "I would......" I was trying to say but was cut off by Eli's lips crashing down on mine. At first I was totally surprised and just stood their but then I gave into the kiss and wrapped my hands around his kneck.

His hands started to travel far down my back until they reached my ass and grabbed it. I immediately responded by moaning giving him a chance to slip his tongue in my mouth to meet mine. Soon our tongues began to fight with eachothers. I was in trance that couldn't be broken and didn't want it to end either.

After about 2 minutes Eli pulled back away from my lips with a smile plastered on his face. "I guess I got my answer didn't I?" I didn't know what to say at the moment I was lost for words. At the same time frustrated that he ended the kiss so soon.

I was about to open my mouth and say something but was stopped as the door to the roof bursted open. "Eli I need to talk...sorry was I interrupting something? " Colin asked as he starred at the sight of Eli's hands wrapped around my body and mines still around his kneck. We quickly had let go of each other and Eli cleared his throat. "Umm no what did you need?" Eli said pretending like we just didn't make out. "I kind of need to talk to you about a lead on who I think may be the person selling us out." Colin said.

I was still a little shocked about the whole kissing Eli thing and tried to shrug it off as best as I could. "I think im going to go to my room and get some rest." I interrupted them speaking trying to get away before they finished. "Enjoy your nap." Eli was saying while smiling at me and giving a secret wink so that I could only see it.

I told Colin goodbye and ran out the door I came up in all the way to my hotel room. I almost ran into things along the way but made it to my room without a scratch. 

I jumped in my bed as I normally do but this time couldn't stop smiling. I could still feel Eli's soft lips against mines as if they where still their. Wait get a hold of yourself Ziara. Even though me and Eli are friends in all we cant be nothing more. He's my boss and a drug lord at that. I mean it was just a kiss...a harmless little kiss.

Its nothing more than just a kiss right?

I know I know its been a minute since ive updated but I promise you it wasn't because I was being lazy. I actually been busy and doing hard work at that. On top of it all I have to start my end of the year testing tomorrow. And last week I was in track practice and had my first track meet. Also I went over my cousins house who I helped clean up. So I haven't had the time to update. Also another thing I changed the updating date for this book to Friday or Saturday meaning if I don't update on Friday I will update on Saturday. IMPORTANT NOTE I AM NOT UPDATING THIS FRIDAY OR SATURDAY IF I DO NOT GET AT LEAST 20 VOTES AND 5 COMMENTS.

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