Chapter 16

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                      "Don't become a mere recorder of facts,

                   but try to penetrate the mystery their origin."

                                                                 - Ivan Pavlov

Ziara Pov

Sleepily my eyes fluttered open. I was about to move until I realized I was trapped by two muscular arms wrapped around my small body. Then I noticed my head wasn't laying on a pillow but a hard chest. I looked up and saw a sleeping Eli breathing peacefully. A drift came from the room hitting my naked body. For a second I was confused until last night events popped into my mind. Indeed me and Eli had sex for the very first time.

It was bound to happen sooner or later. I didn't want to get up because not only was I to lazy but I was comfortable as well. Strangely I continued to stare at Eli's face. Like ive said before Eli was an attractive man. My eyes wondered down to his chest and abbs which were very noticeable.

I found myself tracing and counting every ab with my fingers. When I was done my hand moved up to his face. Softly my finger tips brushed against his soft skin, outlining his cheekbones. "Having fun with my body and face?" Eli spoke while a smile had came onto his face.

"Yeah I was just bored." I responded taking notice that I was caught admiring his body. His eyes had open wide looking down at me as he positioned himself to. "How long have you been up?" I asked him. "About 10 minutes before you woke up." he said and nodded.

For about 20 minutes we just cuddled with each other as we watched TV. All of our focus was on us and nothing else. I got up and ended up putting on one of his shirts, then got back on the bed under the covers. He rolled over on top of me. "Get yo fat ass off me." I said while laughing. He began snoring pretending he was sleep. He think he funny so I pushed him out the bed.

A loud thud sounded as he groaned in pain. "Man why you do dat fo?" he asked while acting in pain. "I think you done made me break something." I just ignored him and laughed. He stood up limping knowing damn well he was fine. "It ain't funny I could of broke my balls." he said making me laugh even harder because he was half naked with boxers on.

"You think its funny?" I just kept laughing. Wind from the blanket hit me as Eli took the blanket off of me. He hopped back ontop of me. "Nigga get off!" I yelled trying to hide my smile. I was about to push him off again until he began tickling me. Laughter from my mouth bounced off the walls as he wouldn't stop. "Eli stop!" I begged him.

"You think its funny now?" he yelled in a laughing matter. "Say you sorry." Eli commanded. "No!" I yelled not trying to because I was still laughing because he wouldn't stop tickling me.

Then he went to my feet my most tickle spot ever. I started cracking up even harder. It wasn't long until I began snorting, which I do if I laugh to hard. That then made him start bugging up also. I took that chance to hop on top of him. I tried to tickle him but he just stared at me. "Im not ticklish. " he said. "You must be somewhere. " I said then started poking his sides which made him laugh.  "Ight man stop!" he said trying to put on a serious face because it effected him.

He raised his hand up to push me off but my hand went immediately under his under arms tickling him. He began laughing super hard. "Stop!" he screamed. "Thought you wasn't ticklish." I said smiling down at him.

I stoped tickling him and layed down next to him. "Eli we really need to talk." he turned so he was facing my way. "What?" he asked. "I seriously think you should be careful about who you tell your business to." I told him thinking about yesturday.

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