Chapter 14

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                  "It doesn't matter what that person does if you

             dislike them then everything they do annoys you and

          makes you mad."  - Uzique


Eli Pov

"Man im telling you shes got a hold on you!" Dee spoke. I shook my head because I knew he was right but wasn't going to admit it. "Im just saying we should just give his ass a warning and if he keeps doing it then we kill him." I spoke back. Dee just looked at me and shook his head. "She said something about it didn't she? I know she must of because any other day you would kill a nigga no questions ask."

I took a drag from the blunt I was on. "Eli don't you start ignoring me." I let the smoke fly from my mouth then looked at Dee. "Listen Dee I just want to keep her happy. I got a feeling that she is the one for me. You and me both know im not use to relationship shit." he looked at me oddly then smiled.

"So y'all dating and didn't tell me?" I looked at him. "Not yet she hasn't expressed her feelings yet. That's why im trying to keep her happy." A huge smile was plastered on Dee's face and it seemed to get bigger and bigger by the second until it turned into laughter.

"My nigga whipped!" he yelled. I picked up an empty can of soda and threw it at him. "Im not whipped I just have an interest in her that's all." He got off the floor since he fell and looked at me. Then started to laugh again.

When he was done he sat back in his chair and wiped the tears off his eyes from him laughing so hard. "No nigga you got more then just an interest. But im happy for you because it lets me know you wont die so heart less." He laughed a little.

"Shut up im not that heartless." I said back to him. He gave me a look like are you serious. "Im gone ignore that comment but for real man im happy for you. To be honest I like Ziara I think shes a perfect fit for you. She thinks ahead and knows what shes doing. That's what I like about her." he said.

I took my last puff from my blunt and threw it in the trash since it was all gone. "So I guess we can let him off with a warning. But if he does it again we killing his ass no questions ask. Even if Ziara begs us not to."

A beeping noise interrupted what he was saying. He looked down at his phone and read a text message."I got to go and oh yeah by the way don't fuck up, Ziara isn't the type of girl you want to lose." Dee said before leaving out. This is why hes my bestfriend because I know I can talk to him about anything. Then it really hit me. Does Ziara actually have feelings for me?

Ziara Pov

I wanted to talk to Eli about Celicia because its bothering me. I was walking to his room. I looked down at my phone for a second to check the time. Then my phone went flying and I fell to the ground. "Ah!" I yelled a little and rubbed my shoulder. I looked up to see Dee. "Im sorry Ziara." He helped me up. He had ran into me. "Dude whats the rush?" I asked him.

He kind of looked at me funny. "Why do you want to know?" he questioned. I stared at him, "You do know this is making you look suspicious that's why im asking. In all honestly that's why people is believing what Colin is saying because you always leaving early for something." He looked at me weirdly. "Oh yeah about that you need to let Colin know he betta stop or me and Eli gone have to kill his ass. We letting him off with a warning but im serious."

I shook my head in understanding but at the same time wasn't letting him off the hook. "I will but at the same time be careful how you present yourself. In all honestly I don't believe your the one betraying Eli because I know you wouldn't do that to him. But at first I thought you may have been. If you keep acting suspicious then people are going to think your guilty." I said to him.

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