Chapter 8

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          "Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship,

     and it is far the best ending for one." - Oscar Wilde

I stared at Eli who had an unreadable expression on his face. I was a bit confused because he had yelled at me saying some questionable shit. I just shrugged it off pretending I didn't notice and ignored it. He was talking but I didn't really pay attention. Truth be told yesturday Eli showed me that he had another side to him. Maybe he isn't as bad, right? Noticing his good looking features I couldn't help but think about them.

He had a nice smooth complexion that complemented his hazel orbs, that glistened in the light. You could tell that he had an body. His hair was freshly cut and— "Ziara did you hear me?" Eli asked. "Umm yea, wait what did you say?" I asked a little embarrassed knowing I wasn't listening at all.

He shook his head laughing a little, but it quickly went away so I couldn't notice. He cleared his throat, "I said we need to talk about what happened yesturday." The memory flashed before my eyes and I smiled a little. "Eli I understand why you were in the state you were in. Don't worry about it I wont tell anyone it was between me and you." I said trying to get him to trust me.

His mouth moved to the side wondering if I was telling the truth or not, well so I thought. "That's not why I wanted to talk about it I know I can trust you." My mouth kind of came open shocked at his response. "What do you mean?" I asked.  "I was wondering how you felt about the situation and I wanted to thank you." My eyes widened did he just say thank you, and to me?

It was my turn to clear my throat because I had to answer the question. "I felt like that you needed someone to talk to and that you can't hold things in to long until its near about to explode." Before he said anything else I added another comment. "Also if you need to talk to anyone im here." I gave out a slight smile hoping he would take my advise. I don't know something about him makes me want to help you know. Maybe because in some ways we are similar. We both tend to keep things in, shutting the world out. Sometimes you have to open up to feel better.

He shined his pearly whites,"thank you I will take that to mind." It was the first time that ive seen a real sincere smile spreading on his face that he wasn't trying to hide. Changing the subject I concluded, "so what new assignment did you have for me?" He went through his desk and pulled out an folder putting it in front of me. I opened it reading all of the black printed words. "Is it to much?" he asked. I thought I heard him wrong, did he just ask me if I wanted this assignment or not? The Eli I was use to seeing would have made me do it no questions ask. But he has been showing a new side to him to me lately. "No I can handle it." I closed the folder shut making my way out.


Maybe I shouldn't have done this one since Eli gave me a choice. My face scrunched up as I looked at my next target. It wasn't a person I was looking at, well kind of. I was mostly looking at a building and the people guarding it. Eli knew I was a good thief, but how? Not an amazing one though I was probably average. Of course I had to steal things in my life because at times you had to do what you had to do to survive. Lately I been saying that same saying for almost everything. I sighed, but am I really prepared for this?

I had to keep my head in the game. Man what is with me in these corny ass sayings. Maybe because I was nervous as hell. You would be to if you had to steal from an gang, a powerful one at that. I had a black mask on my face.......actually my whole outfit was black.

I had black leather pants and a black shirt with a black jacket to match. No I didn't have black high heels on I had on black sneakers. I looked like I came from some spy movie or something. Especially since inside my coat had guns strapped to it plus my legs had knifes attached using straps also. I looked down at at the men gaurding the entrance.

It looked like you would need a password just to get in. I shook my head and I thought I was corny at times. It was an hide out for one of the biggest gang leaders named Alexander, X for short. I climbed down this small building near the location I was peaking at. I went down slowly trying not to make a sound because people were around this area.

Right when I was about to hit the ground I saw a guy underneath me. I quickly stopped so he wouldn't see me and took out my pistol that had a suppressor on it and shot him. He fell to the ground with a thud. Satisfied I finished jumping down the building. I landed barely making a sound, looking both ways I went down this alley between some other building and the one I was on.

Before I fully left out the end of the alley I looked around the corner for anyone. Not seeing anyone in sight I ran out to some bushes near where I was at. All this for some damn peice of paper. Im like dead serious Eli sent me out to steal this little paper that so called has codes and locations to certain safes X has hidden.

This better be worth it.....but is anything im doing really worth my life? I shook the thought out my mind and continued to do what I came here for. I knew I wasnt going to be able to go through the entrance. What was I going to say, open sesame and they were going to let me right in? Nope like usual I have to do things the hard way which means im going to have to find a window to bust through. I swear im glad im flexible because I had a feeling I was going to need it sometime in the future.

When I saw some men leave where I was hiding I came out my secret spot and ran while hiding behind more things until I reached the side of the building. A male was coming my way and before it could really click in his mind that I was coming I took my pistol out again and shot him two times. I didn't stop running until I ended up in front of this window. I peaked inside seeing if anyone was in tthe room then tried opening the window. The damn thing felt like it was bolted shut and began pissing me off.

I wanted this job to be finish and the only thing standing in my way was this window. I stepped back from the window pulling out my gun shooting the glass as I covered my face.

I knew this was kind of sloppy but it was making me mad, didn't want to open, I just prayed no one heard anything. The window was completely open letting a breeze of air sweep through. I climbed inside making sure I didn't cut myself from any leftover glass I didn't see. Finally inside I quietly looked around the room to fully see where the hell I was. No one in sight still I made my way out the door, only to open up to this big bulky man staring down out me in confusion. "Who the hell are you!" he screamed. For someone working for a gang leader seemed pretty stupid.

I spoke to soon, he came in the room taking a swing at me which I was able to dodge. I was about to take out my gun but when I did he slapped it out of my grip. "Damn!" I cursed. He immediately picked me up throwing me across the room making me hit the back wall with an loud bang. "Shit!" I yelled, talk about a bad day. I quickly got up on my feet struggling in pain. All of a sudden I saw him rushing towards me trying to head bud me in the wall. I moved out the way making him go into the wall instead.

He fell to the ground wincing in pain as he held his head. Then he got up from the ground and thats when I bent down taking a knife out my hiding spot on my leg and threw it at him. It landed straight in his heart.

When he fell to the ground taking his last breathe I reached down retrieving my knife then picking my gun off the ground. Limping out the room I headed to the place were I was looking for. Surprisingly not a soul heard anything, which made me curious about their security system. I finally found the room I been looking for then opened it. I had a gun pointed up ready to shoot the next thing moving.

Gladly no one was here but me and I made my way towards the wall with a picture hanging on it. Behind the painting was a safe with a code that held the piece of paper. In the file had the code to the safe inside and I put it in the lock which opened. Inside indeed was the white slip of paper I came for. I took it out putting it away in my pocket.


I knocked on Eli's office doors. "Come in!" he yelled. I opened the doors and limped to his desk still in pain from being thrown into a wall. "Here's yo damn paper!" I said playfully slamming the paper down on the desk. He laughed at my actions, "thank you very much Ziara." he said. I smiled back at him, "you look nice by the way!" I said then winked and walked out the room leaving a huge grin on Eli's face as he said you to where I wasnt able to hear.

Ok made this update a little longer then usual hopefully you all enjoyed it. Also I noticed you all became silent readers........had me crying. Was all in my fee fees, so it wont be another update until I at least get 5 comments. By the way made the track team I was to happy :).

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