"Well, its clear she likes you too! So if I was you I'd just go and tell her and plant one on her" she said winking.

"Haha, yeah maybe I will. Thanks" I said while I walked into the kitchen.

~Megan's View~

I was just about to walk out of the kitchen when liam came and joined me.

"I was just coming to find you" he said with a massive grin on his face, I wonder what he was up to.

"Where you?" I asked him blushing, again.

"Yeah, I have something I need to say to you.." He said, now I'm worried.

"Go on" I said trying to make him hurry up and tell me.

"I know we've only really met each other tonight but i really like you, and I was wondering if you liked me too?" He asked me. Oh my days! I couldn't believe it, he liked me!

"Yeah, I think I like you too" I told him eventually. He just smiled from ear to ear before he raised a hand put it on my cheek tilted my head up a bit and kissed me ever so gently. Our first kiss.

~Harry's View~

"Be back in a min babe" I shouted down fran's ear so she could hear me over the music "I'm going to get a drink, do you want one?"

"Yes please, and before you ask surprise me!" She said back before kissing my cheek and dancing off to join molly and harrison.

I walked into the kitchen and saw something I really didn't want to. Liam had pushed megan up against the wall kissing him neck and everywhere else.

"WOOHH!" I yelled as I saw them.

~Megan's View~

Crap. Harry saw us. I kept telling him how sorry I was but he just laughed and patted liam on the back. Liam draped his arm over my shoulder and we walked back into the front room and started dancing...AGAIN!


~Meile's View~

The DJ had left about a hour ago so we just sat there talking or in fran and harry's case, kissing each other, did they ever stop?!

~Niall's View~

"As much as I don't want to, I think we should go down stairs now" I said to abbie, it was true I really didn't want to leave this room, ever!

"Yeah, your right" she said before hobbling around trying to get her dress and shoes back on. She still managed to look beautiful.

~Zayn's View~

We were all sat talking when niall and abbie walked into the room, giggling to themselves. Good point, where had they gotten to.

"Where have you guys been?" Harry asked them, he must of only just noticed they'd been missing as well. All the girls started laughing and abbie blushed. Ah, I can guess what they've been doing now.

"Ew guys, in my house? really" harry moaned sarcastically. We took the mick out of them for a while then just carried on with normal convo's. Until we heard a loud bang and all turned around someone was smashing the door down!

~Liam's View~

"Girls, go upstairs now! And stay together we'll be fine!" I yelled at them. They all ran up stairs in tears, it had been such a good night until now!

~Meile's View~

We were all sat on harry's bed huddled up together, all of us balling our eyes out. We were all muttering about the lads saying we hope there safe. Then I heard a massive bang and I knew the door have fell down, they were in whoever they were.

"I can't believe it" fran mumbled while sniffling.

"I hope there going to be alright" molly cried.

"Shush! Liam told us to come up here so we'd be safe" Megan said "now stay quite or they'll come up here!"

~Zayn's View~

"Boys what do we do?" Harrison asked, I forgot he was here.

"I don't know we-" I said before the door hit the wall and flung open. Then before we knew it there were 6 people running in wearing all black you couldn't see their faces. It was horrible we just stood there until something unexpected happened...


hope your enjoying this so far :-) as i have said before, it is just a filler so if you get bored you have something little to read :-)

would be amazing if you could vote or fan :-D

love you all !! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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