Blood and tears

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Derek followed Stiles' scent, Scott and Isaac close behind.

"We're close." Derek whispered as they approached an old warehouse. The scent of Stiles was strong.

"Stiles? What are you doing here?" Theo's voice asked.

Derek listened carefully as he tried to look inside through a hole in the wall.

"Theo, I had to find you. I couldn't stand to be near them any longer. Gage was trying to convince me I was in love with Derek." Stiles answered.

"I see." Theo nodded.

Derek watched as Theo approached Stiles cautiously.

"Do you? Love him?" Theo asked.

"No, of course not. I hate him." Stiles sneered.

Derek felt his chest tighten at the words.

"I'm in love with you. I always have been." Stiles stepped closer to Theo.

Derek pulled back unable to watch anymore. His stomach already sick with jealousy.

He gestured for Scott and Isaac to follow him as he neared the door slowly.

"Derek, how good of you to join us. Do come in." Theo's voice said.

Derek stepped inside.

"You followed me?" Stiles snapped angrily. "I don't actually love you, I just said that to get that idiot to let me go."

"I know." Derek spoke between clenched teeth.

"This is perfect. Stiles you can finally become an alpha." Theo urged Stiles forward.

"No." Isaac snarled by Derek's side.

"Isaac, Scott, back off." Derek ordered.

"He's gonna try and kill you." Isaac argued not moving.

Scott stepped aside.

"Isaac, do not interfere." Derek growled.

"I'm not gonna let him kill you." Isaac snapped still not moving.

"Yes you are."

"No, this is-"

"Back down." Derek snarled his eyes turning red as he turned to Isaac. The beta cowered away.

Derek's eyes went back to their soft green as he turned back to Stiles.

"Don't put the wolf away Derek, you'll need him." Stiles growled.

"I'm not gonna fight you, Stiles." Derek said standing still.

"Why not?" Stiles snapped extending his claws.

"Because I'm not your enemy." Derek answered forcing his wolf to stay. He refused to fight Stiles.

Stiles slashed a clawed hand across Derek's face.

Derek remained unmoved as Stiles took another swing this time slicing open his shoulder.

"Fight back." Stiles snarled pushing Derek back.

"I won't hurt you Stiles." Derek shook his head.

"Then I'm gonna kill you." Stiles snapped shoving Derek into the wall. He pounced on Derek as the alpha slid to the floor dizzy from the blow.

Stiles clawed at Derek's chest and torso. Derek covered his face as Stiles swung hand after hand.

Suddenly a loud snarl sounded from beside them as Scott threw himself at Stiles. Isaac joined in putting himself between Stiles and his alpha.

Scott backed up so he was next to Isaac. Neither wanted to hurt Stiles but they wouldn't allow him to kill Derek.

Derek pushed himself off the ground. He was wounded but he would heal quickly.

"Should I take care of the two betas?" A voice spoke from behind Theo. Derek recognized him as the last alpha that had ambushed him and Gage at the farm.

"Oliver, there you are. If you wouldn't mind, they're boring me." Theo smirked.

Stiles was leaned against a stack of old pallets, panting.

Derek took the opportunity and lunged at Theo catching him off guard.

Derek sunk his teeth into Theo's side causing the wolf to let out a pained cry.

"No!" Stiles voice yelled from his place near the pallets.

Derek slashed at Theo before Theo managed to shove Derek aside and off of him.

Derek quickly recovered and grabbed Theo throwing him up against the wall Derek's clawed hand at his throat. He started to squeeze, his claws digging in harshly.

"Stop, please." Stiles grabbed at Derek's other arm.

"Please, don't kill him, Derek, please." Stiles cried.

"Where's the book?" Derek asked ignoring Stiles.

"In my bag." Theo answered in a strangled voice.

"Derek, please you said you wouldn't hurt me." Stiles tugged at Derek.

The alpha clenched his jaw. He looked over to see Oliver running out the door. Scott and Isaac pulling themselves off the ground, obviously hurt.

"Please, let him go." Stiles begged tears streaming down his face.

Derek's eyes met Stiles'. His heart broke at the sight of Stiles. Covered in blood and tears. Derek wanted to let go of Theo but Chrysanthemum said Theo had to die.

Derek drug his eyes away from Stiles as he crushed Theo's throat, his claws tearing the bones from his flesh.

Stiles dropped to his knees a strangled cry ripping from his own throat.

Derek rushed to the brown leather bag on the ground near a pile of bricks. Inside was a small carefully bound book.

"Chrysanthemum." Derek spoke the name loudly and clearly.

Suddenly a woman in a white dress appeared behind him.

"Very well, alpha Hale, you have done as I asked." Chrysanthemum nodded her head pleased.

"I have your book, now reverse the spell." Derek ordered.

"Give me the book first." The pixie held out a clawed hand.

"No. I don't trust you." Derek shook his head.

The pixie straightened up looking angry. Derek was sure he'd pissed her off.

"Very well." The pixie pressed her hands together as if she were praying. She mumbled something Derek couldn't understand.

"It is done." Chrysanthemum held out her hand once again. "The book."

Derek looked over to where Stiles had been resisting Scott's comfort. Stiles was now gripping Scott in a tight hug.

"Here." Derek held out the bag.

Chrysanthemum pulled the book from the bag and held it close.

"You have kept your word alpha Hale. I will remember this." The pixie spoke looking at Derek.

"I just have one question." Derek hoped the pixie would answer. "Did the spell you cast...did it...makes Stiles love Theo?"

Chrysanthemum smiled. "That was a request of his, yes."

"So if he really had feelings for someone else, he wouldn't have felt them?" Derek asked.

"That is correct." The pixie answered.

Derek nodded satisfied with the answer.

"Good day alpha Hale." With that Chrysanthemum was gone.

Theo's dead!

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