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"Stiles are you seriously still mad because I didn't tell you I had a brother?" Derek asked, the two of them standing outside of the pack loft. 

"I'm a bit annoyed, yes." Stiles nodded.

"Look, I told you yesterday that it was for safety reasons. Why is it still an issue?" Derek huffed.

"You don't trust us. We're your pack, Derek." Stiles snapped.

"I trust you plenty." Derek rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah? How come you never told us about Kate or Paige?" Stiles crossed his arms.

Derek's jaw clenched. "How do you know about Paige?" Derek growled.

"Peter." Stiles answered simply.

"Don't bring her up again." Derek ordered.

"Derek, it's important that we know about your past. You're our alpha, you know everything about us. Why can't you just trust us?" Stiles huffed.

"I trust you enough." Derek snapped turning to walk inside.

"Enough to what? Know we aren't going to turn you in to hunters or kill you in your sleep? That was established a year ago." Stiles followed Derek inside. "You need to trust us enough to let us in to let us help you."

"Stiles, listen to me, you are on a need to know basis and as of right now all you need to know is what I decide to tell you." Derek snapped.

"Soon that's not gonna be good enough." Stiles glared at the alpha.

"For who? You? Then there's the door." Derek growled motioning towards the door they just walked  through.

"Hey hold on, let's just calm down." Gage said walking over to Derek and Stiles.

"Derek, why don't you go cool off before the others get here. Stiles, come on let's get you a drink." Gage threw an arm around Stiles' shoulder and lead him to the kitchen.

Derek grumbled as he stalked into the living room.

"You really managed to get under Derek's skin. I rarely see him so worked up." Gage handed Stiles a coke.

"He gets wound up easy." Stiles shrugged.

"Is that so?" Gage frowned.

Stiles only nodded.

Just then the front door opened. Scott, Isaac, Malia, Lydia and Allison walked in.

"Good everyone's here, let's get this over with." Stiles sneered.

"Hey, Derek." Scott smiled at Gage.

"Wrong brother." Stiles huffed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Dude, how can you tell?" Scott frowned cocking a head a the Derek look alike beside Stiles.

"Cause Gage is much nicer." Stiles answered.

Gage frowned at Stiles curiously.

Derek sat on the couch his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped firmly together.

"Hey, bro, your pack is here." Gage said walking in to the living room. The pack filed in behind him.

"Let's get this started then." Derek said standing.

"Okay so as Stiles informed all of you yesterday, the reason I cancelled the pack meet was because my brother has come back to Beacon Hills." Derek sighed. "This is Gage."

Everyone introduced themselves while Stiles sat slumped on one of the chairs.

"You two are identical." Isaac spoke in awe as he stared at the two brothers.

Lie Ability (Hale Twins) (Sterek)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang