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Stiles and Gage stepped into the loft and was greeted by the whole pack.

"Are you okay?"

"You're one of us now"

"I'm officially the only human."

"Guys, come on, give him space." Gage said leading Stiles into the living room.

"Good, you're back. Gage please tell Derek he needs to see Deaton." Lydia huffed stepping away from a shirtless Derek.

His shoulder was torn open as well as his stomach. He looked up at Stiles and Gage his expression full of guilt.

"Derek, why aren't you healing faster?" Gage frowned at the still bleeding head wound on his temple

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"Derek, why aren't you healing faster?" Gage frowned at the still bleeding head wound on his temple.

"I'll be fine." Derek said dropping his eyes back to the floor.

Gage sighed glancing over at Stiles. "Why don't you go change."

Stiles nodded before leaving the room.

"You're not allowing yourself to heal cause you feel guilty." Gage crossed his arms.

"I bit him, Gage. He could have died." Derek snapped.

"But he didn't."

"He's a werewolf now." Derek shook his head. "He never wanted the bite."

"But he's alive." Gage pointed out.

"Gage, just stop." Derek snapped.

"At least let Lydia patch you up." Gage spoke through grit teeth before stalking out of the room.

Stiles stared in the mirror at the bite marks embedded in his shoulder. He never wanted the bite. He'd turned it down when Peter offered it. He'd talked with Scott about how he was glad to be human. He'd even talked to Malia when she'd questioned him about being human. It wasn't that he hates werewolves or the idea of being one he just liked being normal for once. He'd always been the odd kid growing up. His mom died when he was young, he was gay, he had to take medication to concentrate, plus he was always smarter than everyone else. When he got submerged into the supernatural he felt normal. Granted everyone else was stronger, faster, and had super senses, he still felt normal. He was the investigator. The researcher. The detective. Something no one else was.

Stiles pulled his shirt on covering the bite wound. Deaton said he'd be healed in a day or two. Then he'd transition on the next full moon which was only a week away.


It had taken Derek almost that whole week to fully heal. His guilt had hindered his healing process significantly.

It had also been a week since he'd spoken to Stiles. Gage had taken to helping Stiles through the symptoms he was feeling. The loud noises, the overwhelming scents, it could be hard block it out.

"Stiles we need to get you tied up the full moon is tonight and-"

"It's my first one, I can't be trusted cause I'm a murderous animal now. Yeah, yeah I get it." Stiles mocked interrupting Gage. Stiles had been in a pissy mood all day; perks of the full moon.

"Where's Derek?" Stiles asked no one in particular.

"In his room." Gage answered.

"Avoiding me as usual. Let's remedy that shall we?" Stiles said before going for the stairs.

"Stiles, stop. We need to get you tied up." Scott said grabbing Stiles' wrist.

"I don't need to be tied up. I'm fine." Stiles snapped.

"We should hurry before he gets worse." Isaac spoke up then.

"Come on." Gage lead Stiles to his room.

The large metal pillar in the middle of the room was perfect for chaining Stiles to. Gage, Isaac and Scott tied Stiles up as he fought against them.

"This is absured. I don't need this." Stiles snapped.

"Come on, let's leave him be." Gage urged the other two out.

"Gage, don't leave me in here you asshole!"

Derek sat in his room as he listened to Stiles yell. It only took an hour before Stiles' angry insults turned into painful pleas.

"Guys, please, it hurts." Stiles cried out.

Derek remembered his first full moon; it was excruciating. He yelled and cried as his mother held his hand. He'd been tied though he'd only been twelve at the time.  The first full moon wasn't nearly as bad for a born wolf as it was for a turned wolf.

"Derek." Stiles' voice yelled for him. "You did this to me."

Derek squeezed his eyes shut trying to ignore the angry, pained cries of the guy he loved.

"Derek, please, make it stop. I don't want to be a werewolf."

Derek clenched his fists as Stiles continued to blame him and beg for it to stop.

The yells and pleas eventually turned to crying which hurt Derek just as much.

Finally the crying stopped leaving only silence in it's wake.

Derek felt relief that it was over but he hurt more than he had before.

"Stiles?" Gage knocked on the door. No answer. He opened the door to see Stiles slumped against the pillar blood covering his arms, hands and floor.

"Stiles?" Gage hurried to his side.

"Gage." Stiles' voice croaked. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said."

"Shhh, it's okay." Gage wiped Stiles hair from his sweat ridden forehead.

"You need to rest. It's over now." Gage lead Stiles to his bed.

"I'm so sorry." Stiles apologized again.

"You can sleep here tonight. You're exhausted." Gage pulled the covers back allowing Stiles to crawl into bed.

"Please forgive me." Stiles pleaded his voice hoarse.

"I forgive you. Goodnight, Stiles. Don't worry about anything right now. Just rest." Gage placed a kiss on Stiles temple.

Stiles gripped Gage's hand as he drifted off quickly. Gage smiled down at Stiles not wanting to let go just yet.

"Is he okay?" Derek's voice asked quietly from the door.

"He's fine." Gage answered pulling his hand gently from Stiles'.

"Are you?" Gage asked as he stepped into the hallway closing the door behind him.

"He hates me." Derek sighed sadly.

"He doesn't. It was the full moon talking, you know that." Gage disagreed.

"He didn't want this." Derek shook his head slightly.

"You can't keep blaming yourself and you can't keep avoiding him." Gage put a hand on Derek's shoulder. "He's officially your beta. You need him and he needs you."

"I can't. Not yet." Derek pulled away from his brother before disappearing back into his room.

Stiles is officially a werewolf!

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