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"Stiles, I know you're lying." Gage crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah? Prove it." Stiles taunted.

Derek reached for his brother pulling him back. "Gage, that's enough."

"He has feelings for you, I know it." Gage insisted.

"Gage, that's ridiculous. You and I both know he was so mad at Theo because he still has feelings for him. He just admitted it." Derek fought to keep his tone even.

"It's the spell." Gage shook his head.

"The spell doesn't change how he feels about someone." Derek put a hand on Gage's shoulder.

"But-" Gage started but was cut off by Derek.

"Gage, let it go."

"Why are you so insistent on Stiles having feelings for Derek?" Malia asked frowning at Gage.

"Because I know he does and Derek, I know you love him." Gage answered looking up at his brother.

"What?" Derek asked taken aback.

Stiles scoffed. "Derek doesn't give a rats ass about me."

Derek clenched his jaw.

"You know I thought that too but then I realized that it was the complete opposite. He cared too much so he pushed you away." Gage said to Stiles who didn't look like he believed Gage.

"Gage, what are you doing?" Derek huffed in irritation.

"We don't need to make deals with a pixie. We need to get Stiles to realize he does care about us, all of us."

"And you think telling him he has feelings for Derek is gonna do that?" Issac cocked his head.

"Yes. They once told me they had a specific relationship, one where they had experienced things together that no one else had experienced with them. A relationship like that brings people together not pushes them apart. They're both just too stubborn to admit it." Gage answered looking between a tense Derek and an annoyed Stiles.

"Is he right?" Stiles asked Derek a slight frown on his face.

"No." Derek snapped.

"So you don't love me?" Stiles asked looking hurt.

Derek exhaled heavily.

"Don't look so hurt, you don't have feelings for me either." Derek growled.

"What if I did?" Stiles looked away from Derek.

Derek narrowed his eyes at Stiles. "You don't."

"What if I'm in love with you, Derek?" Stiles looked up at the alpha his eyes brimmed with tears.

"Don't do this Stiles." Derek sighed. He wanted to believe him but he just couldn't.

"But Derek, I lo-"

"Enough." Derek barked before stalking out of the room.

"Derek." Gage called after his brother.

"Gage." Stiles said his voice cracking.

"Can I talk to him?" Stiles asked a single tear slide down his cheek.

Gage turned to Scott who gave a slight shrug.

"If you really think he loves me, please." Stiles begged.

"I don't know about this." Lydia shifted uneasily.

"Lydia, you know how stubborn Derek is. If he truly loves me I need to know." Stiles looked genuinely upset.

"Your call, Gage." Lydia shrugged.

Gage looked at Stiles. "You're really in love with him?"

"More than I'd like to admit." Stiles dropped his head in embarrassment.

"Okay." Gage untied Stiles.

"Thank you." Stiles put a hand on Gage's arm before turning to the the door Derek had gone out. He took a deep breath and went after Derek.


Derek sat on the edge of his bed his hands clasped tightly together. He ached for Stiles' words to be true. He wanted Stiles to be in love with him more than anything. But he knew it wasn't true. He'd known deep down that Stiles still loved Theo.

Derek looked up at the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. They were trying to be quiet. Derek stood up as the sound of a door closed and a lock clicked.

Derek frowned stepping out of his room. The only door closed was Stiles'. Derek tried the door but it was locked.

Derek felt fear wash over him as he turned to the stairs.

"Gage." Derek yelled for his brother.

Gage heard Derek yell his name.

"That didn't sound good." Malia said looking at the alpha.

Suddenly Derek was in the doorway.
"What did you do?" He demanded.
"Where's Stiles?"

"He wanted to talk to you, he-" Gage cut himself off when he realised he'd been played.

"Damn it, Gage, I told you to let it go." Derek growled.

"He was so convincing and-"

"I need to go after him. He'll lead us to Theo." Derek interrupted, not interested in Gage's excuses.

"I'm coming with you." Gage said.

"Gage you need to stay here. Theo wants you dead. He wants Stiles to kill me. I need to go alone." Derek shook his head.

"You're not going alone." Scott said stepping in front of Derek.

"It's too dangerous." Derek growled.

"I'll stay here with Gage and Malia. We'll call Allison and Mr. Argent. You take Scott and Isaac." Lydia spoke up.
"You need back up. You don't know what you're walking into. Call if you need more."

Derek sighed but nodded, he knew Lydia was right.

"Derek." Gage grabbed his brothers arm.

"I'm sorry. Bring him back to us." Gage's voice broke slightly.

Derek only nodded before turning to Scott and Isaac.

"Let's go."

Update. Hope you liked it.

Lie Ability (Hale Twins) (Sterek)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz