Bloom nods, "we're not as strong as we were before."

"But-" Aisha is cut off by the familiar black clouds appearing before us.

"We have to go! Now!" Musa yells and we nod.

"Zoomix!" We yell in sync and transform into our teleporting wings. We concentrate our magic and focus on Alfea.

"Don't let them get away!" I hear the voice of Ogron before a flash of light appears and we're back at Alfea.

"What's going on? Why did you teleport us back?" I hear Sky ask as I look around for him.

"They're too strong right now. We need to wait for Helia and Miele to get the potion and for our magic to grow. Right now none of us should risk going against them when we're not as strong as before," Bloom explains to him and he sighs.

"We should all get back to our training," Aisha says and we all agree. The guys sigh and walk away reluctantly to their ship to go back to Red Fountain.

"Why are they so annoyed? We didn't stand a chance!" I wonder, confused.

"They probably wanted to show off," Musa scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Probably," Bloom laughs, "better to be safe than sorry, though."

We make our way back to Alfea and down the halls towards Miss Faragonda's office.

"Miss Faragonda?" I call, knocking on the door. We wait for a moment.

"Huh, that's weird," Bloom says when we hear no reply.

"Should we go in?" I hear Tecna whisper.

"Miss Faragonda?" I call again. Still no reply.

We open the doors slowly and find the lights off and the room empty.

"Where could she be?" Aisha asks as we all wander around the empty office.

"I believe I can help with that, girls," the familiar voice of Miss Griselda enters the room.

"Miss Griselda, where is she?" Tecna asks.

"Miss Faragonda joined Helia and Miele on Linphea. As it was her who found the spell and the potion recipe she thought she could help," she says and we nod.

"Thank you, Miss Griselda," Aisha thanks her and she walks out of the room.

"What should we do now?" I wonder aloud.

"Well, seeing as we haven't heard anything from everyone on Linphea, I say we go and help them. The spell seems to be pretty difficult," Bloom suggests.

"That's a great idea!" Tecna says.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get bored of all this training, anyway," Musa stretches.

"Oh, don't worry," Aisha smirks, "we'll definitely still be training on Linphea."

Musa and I groan.

"Besides, the Wizards will probably guess that we're here and by what they were saying, they're pretty eager to kill us," Tecna frowns.

"Yeah. Maybe if we leave and they come here, they'll realise we're gone and leave the other fairies alone," Aisha says.

"I just hope Flora doesn't show up anytime soon," I frown deeply, "she's just not herself anymore after what they did to her."

We stand for a moment in silence.

"Come on girls," Bloom says, motioning is to exit the office, "let's go."

"Woah," I gasp as I look around Linphea, "I forgot it was this beautiful."

I hear the girls' murmurs of agreement. We make our way to the Magic College which isn't very far away.

"Oh, hello, you're the Winx, correct?" We hear a voice call from behind us and we turn around in confusion.

"My name is Miss Shaw," she extends her hand which we all shake politely, "may I ask why you're here?"

Bloom looks around at us and nods, "we're here to help."

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