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I was needed, Pietro had managed to get himself shot in the thigh and was quickly becoming overwhelmed.

"I need help," I heard him mutter into his comms.

One of the incoming agents was dragging out his victory by bragging. "The Avenger with the most surprises, with the most tricks up his sleeve, has run out. No more surprises little speedster." The man finally finished, pointing his cocked gun at Pietro.

I shifted into my human form midair and landed directly in front of Pietro, with my gun drawn.

I cocked it in the man's face, "Surprise bitch,"was all I said before pulling the trigger.

"Radley?" I heard Pietro exclaim, sounding completely shocked that I was there.

"You are a dipshit," I told him flatly before I let the anger take hold. I felt myself grow as I shifted into a Tyrannosaurus Rex, this was a painful transformation. I didn't even know I could do that...

I roared at the remaining agents that were after Pietro and they took off running screaming and yelling, "Oh shit!", so did any nearby birds...

I chased after them with a loud snarl.

"Radley!" I heard Bucky yell as he chased after me.

I had noticed the symbol on their suits when I first saw them, I wasn't going to give up my chase.

They were going to regret hailing HYDRA.


I was still on the ground when Radley took off, Bucky was chasing after him.

"Pietro, kid, are you okay?" Clint asked quickly as he kneeled beside me, looking at the hole in my thigh.

"Radley used to call me that all the time..." was all I could think to reply with, still watching where he'd disappeared.

"What?" Clint asked, sounding completely confused, looking up from the wound.

"He used to call me a dipshit whenever I did something stupid..." Clint looked off to where he'd disappeared.

"He was right then and he is right now," Wanda informed before she kneeled beside me.

There was a roar in the distance followed by gunshots.

"Clint, you think you can carry him to the jet?" Steve asked before everything went silent. No gunfire, nothing.

We listened to the silence for a few moments, heavy hoof beats became faintly noticeable, only growing louder.

A familiar thoroughbred ran through the trees with Bucky on its back.

Radley skidded to a halt in front of us, Bucky slid off.

Radley shifted into his human form, keeping his eyes on the ground, looking scared?

Radley shifted into his human form, keeping his eyes on the ground, looking scared?

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The Wiped Hound (Avengers Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora