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"He seems awfully... chipper this morning..." Clint said to no one in particular as I shook my feathers.

The Soldier looked over at me with a knowing look. "U tebya byl koshmar?(Did you have a nightmare)" He questioned me.

I lowered my head and my posture slumped.

"You made him sad, take it back," Tony said pointing at the Soldier, who offered his forearm to me.

I stepped on his arm. I leaned forward, resting my head on the Soldier's flesh shoulder.

"Do you need us to leave Bucky?" Steve asked the Soldier.

"Buck-ee," I sounded it out, tilting my head and sounding confused.

"That's my name, like yours is Radley." He informed, petting my head with his index finger.

"Assets have no name," I told him standing up straight with my head.

"There are no assets, we aren't assets," the Soldier, 'Bucky,' I corrected myself.

"But-'" I started.

He cut me off, "They lied. They used us." Bucky said as he sat at the table, the people who had been in the room were slinking out.

I hopped onto the table and faced him, thinking about what he'd told me. "But, those people..." I told him, my voice sounding small.

"That was not you, it was not your fault." That voice wasn't Bucky.

I turned my head to see Pietro and Wanda standing in the doorway.

Pain filled my head as memories started slamming their way to the front of my mind, flashing through my eyes rapidly.

My mind being torn apart with electricity, all of the people who's throats I'd removed, the torture sessions...

I gave a loud squawking scream of pain before the memories became too much and I collapsed.


"Is he okay?" Pietro asked after Radley has passed out.

I shifted him into a different position, "He's fine, I think his memories came back too fast and it overloaded him."

Wanda looked up, "That... is a good thing?" She asked looking and sounding hopeful.

"That depends, what did he remember? You or HYDRA?"

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