Holding you close

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K so a lot of u have been asking for some fluffy and cuddly imagines so here's one. The whole think is gonna be in Thomas's pic btw...

I felt my eyes flutter open as I slowly awake from my deep slumber. I turned my head, smiling as I saw y/n curled up in my arms. A warm fuzzy feeling spread through my body as I took in her features. She looked so peaceful and beautiful even when she was sleeping. Her eyes lightly shut and her lips we slightly apart. He face was nuzzled into my chest and my arms were tightly wrapped around her. I never wanting this moment to end. She made me feel so happy and it's moments like this that make me realize how lucky I really am. I wish there was a way for me to tell her how much I really loved her. Sure you could say the basic I love you but I loved her more that the word love can go. She's my everything and losing her is my biggest fear. She still makes me nervous when she walks into a room and she always puts a smile on my face.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt her moving and I saw her eyes slowly open. She squinted at the light shining on her as she let out a small yawn
"Morning love" I said kissing her on the forehead
"Morning baby" she practically whispered back to me stretching out of my arms.
She had rolled back onto her side and I guessed she was going to fall back asleep any second
"Come back here love" I said grabbing her and pulling her back into my chest. "I love you so much baby"
"Mmh I love you too baby"
"No I really love you. Like, I'm so incredibly in love with you" i didn't realize how suddenly I started talking but for some reason, I couldn't stop. "I don't know how to say t but I love you more than love itself. The word love doesn't do justice to how I feel about you baby, I just, i-I'm so in love with you"
"Baby..." she giggled
"Seriously, I love you" I said kissing her neck
"Seriously, I love you too" she responded before closing her eyes again.
She was my everything. I'm so lucky I found her.

K here's the thing. I suck. I'm sorry that these are really short and usually really angsty but don't worry I'm working on it. K thanks guys ur the best

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