A new color

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So this whole story will be in Tommy's POV because I thought it would be easier to read and write like that:) enjoy

Ever since I ended my rotten relationship with my ex girlfriend, everything sucked. She took everything from me and left me with nothing. I was both mentally and physically exhausted from filming TDC and trying my best to put my life back together. All I wanted was to feel whole again. The world seemed to have lost color and nothing was as exciting as it used to be until I saw her.
I don't exactly know who "her" is but all I know is that I can't help but stare at her whenever she walks into a room. She's a set designer for TDC and she is easily the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. The way she would put so little effort into the way she looked yet still looked so beautiful amazed me. No, I don't have the courage to go up and talk to her but whenever she and I are in the same room, I get the most insane, cliche butterflies. But put all that shit aside, I was going to get her someday and I don't care how lame it sounds but I'm madly in love with a girl I've never even talked to.
*a few days later*
"Thomas we need you on set!" I heard Wes call out.
Panicking, I start running towards set where I should have been filming 10 minutes ago. I was too distracted by the fact that's I was gonna be late for a scene I didnt see a girl running my direction. Before I knew it, I ran into her and the many papers she was holding went crashing onto the floor.
"Shit, Im so sorry!" I said dropping down to help her pick up her stuff when I looked up and saw who I had just run into- the girl. I swear I had never blushed harder in my life. Her perfect y/c/hair was thrown into a perfect messy bun and her y/c/eyes were filled with concern made my stomach flutter.
"Oh my god are you okay?!" She stammered while picking up her papers
"I'm fine don't worry, are you okay?" I said handing her the remainder of her things.
"Oh wow!" She said "you're Thomas!" Reaching her hand out "I'm y/n"
"H-hi" I said taking her hand "I'm so sorry we had to meet like this" I said laughing
"Don't worry, it's not like these are that important" she said signaling her things
"Haha yeah" I said
"Don't you have to go somewhere?" She said smirking at me
"Shit yeah, so nice to meet you love!" I said before breaking out into a run again.
Something about her made me feel happy, made me feel like I was never sad, she brought back a new color into my life that I was missing. She was the answer.

Sorry for taking so long to update!! I threw this together for y'all because I thought a small fluffy imagine would be good to get me back into the swing of things:) anyway, be sure to let me know if you have any requests lyyyyyy

Thomas sangster imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora