I hate when we do this

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"Dammit Thomas can't you just say hi to me when you get home instead of just going to bed without a word?!" I shout at my fiancé. Recently, we've been fighting and that's it. He's been working late so there was no time to do anything together anymore. We used to though... it was much better then.
"Y/n just lay off will you? I work late now and you'll just have to deal with it okay? Or is that not possible for you to comprehend?!"
"Why do you always assume I have no idea what's going on?! I work late too but I have the decency to acknowledge my bloody fiancé coming home! At least I enjoy your company!" I fired back
"Oh so you think I don't love you anymore?!"
"I never said that and you know it!!"
"Well if it means that much... the weddings off! I'll call my folks" he said walking past me to the kitchen
Tears flooded down my face as I followed him, ready to explode
"Seriously Tom why are you like this suddenly?! I don't want to call off the wedding I just want you to stop acting like a dick!"
"Oh I'm the dick?" He asked mocking me
"I'm going to bed" I said quickly turning around
"Isabella would understand" he mumbled u set his breath just loud enough for me to hear him
"You know what? Fine." I said taking my ring and dropping it on the floor. "You go back to the girl who cheated on you!" I said as I ran upstairs
(A/N I know that's not why they broke up and I don't hate Bella either:|)
It wasn't always like this. Just a couple weeks ago we were still the happiest couple but recently, we've just been yelling back and forth about god knows what. I still loved him though. I know that we've both been stressed and angry but that didn't change the way my heart felt. I knew deep down, he still loved me. I quickly got ready and then went to bed keeping my cries to myself. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
What the hell was I thinking?!
Y/n's perfect and loving but all I do is shout at her and like like a total dick to her. So what I've been working late, that doesn't give me a reason to ignore her. When she had to work late she still made me feel loved and I can't even say goodnight to her...
I picked up the ring and shrunk to the floor, my chest heaving. I felt too guilty to go upstairs knowing she would be crying because of me.
"Tommy?" I hear a voice call out
"Y-y/n" I say, my voice breaking "baby I'm so sorry I didn't want to hurt you I-I just had a long day but that doesn't give me a reason to ignore you. I-I didn't mean anything I said I-I really want to marry you y/n and..."
"Thomas it's not your fault. I knew you were tired but I just... I don't know." She said looking at me then down at the ground. I quickly walked up to her and hugged her tightly. I felt my tears fall on top of her head and her tears dampen my shirt.
"I hate when we do this..." she says looking up at me
"Me too..."

Aye what's good look who's back more sleep deprived than ever;) I felt bad for not updating so here's a short something. LOVE YOU ALL XOXO

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