"This is your new home." The lady told me as I dragged my plastic bag filled with clothes into the room. "Who dis'?" The girl jumped off the top bunk bed chewing her gum loud asked the lady.      "She's new and she's gonna be rooming with you." She replied before leaving and slamming the door shut.

I quickly scanned the room and saw a girl on the bottom bunk with a mean mug on her face using her phone. I looked at the other bunk bed and a girl was sleeping on the bottom bunk, so I just guessed my bed was the top bunk. I swung the plastic bag on top of the bed and just stood in the middle of the room awkwardly.

"Why you lookin' like that? You think you better than us?"  The same girl said stepping in front me. I was already annoyed, so today was the day anybody could get their ass beat. "Get out my face." I said back.

She started laughing, "Oh! We gotta talker?" She said turning around but the girl that was on her phone was too into whatever she was watching and the other girl was still sleeping. "Listen here, this is my room and don't think you gonna walk up in here and think you somebody."

I kept a straight face on while I had both my hands to my side ready for anything. "You here me?" She said but I didn't reply. After about a few seconds of a staring contest she spat her gum into my face. I didn't even have time to react, I instantly sent a punch to her face. I continued to punch her in the face until she managed to wrap my neck with her hand.

She slammed my small frame against the wall but I still managed to throw punches to her face. Since I was so small, she slung me on the ground and decked me in the face. "Veronica get the fuck off her." The girl that was on her phone grabbed her off me. I sat up and I saw the girl who was sleeping, standing outside the room calling for somebody to come in.

I felt blood streaming from my nose and from the pain of it, I could tell that my lip was busted open. I didn't really do damage to her, I just could tell she bleeding inside her mouth because her teeth was red.

I got up on my feet, "Fucking dumb bitch! Next time I see you, I will kill you." I told her and I meant it. The lady that first brought me here, ran in. "What's going on?"

The girl that grabbed Veronica off me told the lady the whole story. "Veronica, come with me." She said leaving us three alone.

I went into the bathroom and washed my face clean, "Thank you." I mumbled to the girl that was on her phone. She shrugged her shoulders, "Veronica's a little bitch, I don't like her anyways."

"My name is Brianna." - "Belcalis but you can call me Cardi."

"Brianna, what you doing out?" Chris asked me walking into the balcony. I didn't realize that about a whole thirty minutes had passed by. "Nothing, just thinking." I replied hugging my body tighter.

He came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. 'What you thinking about?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "About my childhood." - "Why you never tell me about it?"

"I just been through so much shit. That I just try to put it in the back of my mind. I don't like rethinking about it." I said honestly. "Now that we a couple, you have to tell me these things."

I didn't say anything, I just continued to look at the skyscrapers ahead. "Bria-" - "I don't want to talk about it, honestly."

He sighed before removing his hands from my waist and exiting the balcony leaving me all alone.


"Chris come!" I yelled through the phone. I heard shuffling around, "Yo. Nikki, you good?" I mumbled. "Nikki, you there?" He asked again and I didn't say anything. He smacked his lips, "I'm comin' ova', stay whea' you at."

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