Chapter 17

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Rose arrived at the arena for Raw the minute she made it through the door Carrano came up to her saying hi to the other three standing behind her "Hello Rose" he said looking at her

"Hey" she smiled at him

"Vince wants to speak with you in his office" he said looking at her Rose gave him a look "Ok" she turned to Leati "I will come find you in a little bit" she said giving him a kiss and walking off with Carrano.

They went into Vince's office "Rose have a seat" he said pointing at the chair

"So I am going to get straight to business" he said looking at her

"It's been brought to our attention that at a party Thursday night there was an altercation between you and Colby" he added eyeing her

"Yes there was" Rose admitted

"What happened? I want your side" Vince said looking at her

"Well it was brought to my attention that Colby was meddling in my personal life and causing trouble he even stooped to the level of bringing my ex-fiancé back in my life just because he doesn't like me and Aona'I being together not to mention all the other times he has caused problems in my life" she said angry

"I understand that Rose but he never caused you physical harm and you did" Vince said looking at her

"Your lucky he doesn't want to press charges" he added

"But he does want you punished for your actions because now he can't wrestle for a few weeks" Carrano said

"You have to be kidding me" Rose yelled

"No you injured one of my top stars" Vince yelled at her

"So you have two options and you're lucky I'm letting you decide first one is you take a thirty day suspension and lose your title opportunity" he said looking at her

"What is the second one?" she asked through gritted teeth

"You go to Smack Down" he answered her

"What?" she yelled

"Rose if I was you I would take option number two so you don't lose the momentum you have right now" Vince said

"Why can't he switch brands?" she asked him

"Because he is one of my top guys and gets ratings Rose, Look you have up to your match to give me an answer then we will decide what story line to go with" he said

"You can go now" he added going back to his paper work.

Rose stood up yanking the door open "You know I get ratings too" she said and slammed the door.

Sasha seen Rose slam the door to Vince's office and could see the pure rage in her eyes as she walked by "Rose" she called out but she kept walking "Rose wait up" Sasha yelled again causing her to stop she jogged towards her

"What Sasha?" Rose asked looking at her

"What's wrong?" she asked

"Oh nothing besides the fact that Colby is hell bent on ruining my life" Rose answered her

"What happened?" Sasha asked Rose sighed looking over at her

"Come with me because I don't want to have to tell this a million times" she said turning towards the locker rooms Sasha followed behind until they reached Leati's room Rose opened the door walking in Dean, Renee and Leati turned there attention to her

"What's going on?" Leati asked looking at Rose then Sasha

"Everyone sit down let me talk and don't interrupt" Rose said they did as they were told

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