Chapter 8

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"Baby calm down" Leati said as he looked over at Rose who was rubbing her hands nervously on her pants

"I'm sorry, it's just that we haven't really told anyone were together and now I am going to your parents' house as your girlfriend Le, What if Jo is upset?" Rose said with a sigh.

"Why would she be upset Rose? She loves you" Leati said to her

"Yeah as your friend who plays Barbie's and dress up" she said before looking back out at the road.

Leati pulled the car over to the side of the road "First off stop overthinking so much, Second off Jo loves you and will be super excited about us being together" he said "Third let me see your phone he said Rose handed it to him " as for the world and everyone knowing" He leaned over and kissed her cheek she had a huge grin on her face. "Post that and they will know" He said as he pulled back on to the road.

Rose opened her Instagram and posted the pic He's not a Bad Guy, He's not a good guy, He's my guy! "Well now let's see how the fans react" Rose said with a laugh.

As they pulled up to his parents' house Rose took a deep breath before they stepped out of the car when they did JoJo came running towards them "Daddy" she yelled before she jumped in his arms

"Hi princess" Leati said while hugging her with a huge smile.

Rose couldn't help but smile at the exchange she always loved the way he was with her JoJo lifted her head from his shoulder and made eye contact with Rose "Dad put me down" she said doing as he was told Leati turned to watch her take off and jump in Rose's arms

"Hi Rose" she said hugging her

"Hi sweet pea" she said back

"Are you coming over?" she asked excitedly

"I am" Rose answered

"Yay! Will you play dress up with me? Daddy won't wear a dress" she said giving Leati an evil look

"Hey I wore the boa and hat" Leati said trying to defended himself

"But you have to wear the dress to complete the look Babe" Rose said looking at him.

He walked over and smiled at her "So this is what I have to look forward to? You too gaining up one me" He said looking at both girls JoJo shook her head yes with a huge smile

"The rest of your life babe" Rose said as she gave him a kiss Leati couldn't help the smile on his face with the words he just heard.

"Wait! Are you daddy's girlfriend?" JoJo said with a wide eye look

"Yes I am, is that ok with you?" Rose said looking at her

"Yes Yes Yes" she said as she did the Daniel Bryan chant.

Rose let out a sigh of relief "What were you worried about again?" Leati asked as he took JoJo from her and putting her on his hip

"Shut it Joe" Rose said as they made their way inside.

Colby threw his phone in frustration "dude" Cesaro said as he bent and picked up the phone he noticed the screen was still on he looked at the picture that was on there then over at his best friend

"I don't get what she sees in him" Colby groaned

"She sees a guy who wanted to take a chance with her, You should of maned up years ago" Cesaro said to him Colby rolled his eyes.

"You need to let it go before you lose everything" he added and walked off to the kitchen.

"I don't want her with him" Colby said as he walked into the kitchen

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