Chapter 22

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Rose sat there staring at the table before downing another shot of fireball then waving for the waitress to bring her more.

"Rose you might want to slow down before you end up in the hospital" Randy said staring at her

"It's just were engaged now and live together and then this happens and it doesn't help were on different brands so there is no telling what is going on" she said before letting a few tears fall

"Rose stop he is not cheating on you" he said Rose rolled her eyes before downing another shot

"Ro" he said giving her a worried expression

"I'm fine Orton" she said downing her beer then grabbing her phone staring at the pics again Randy shook his head and grabbed the phone from her scrolling through the pics he zoomed in on one before rolling his eyes then laughing

"Something comical?" she asked looking at him

"It's staged" he said with a laugh

"What? How do you know?" she asked him

"Well in the first picture his eyes are wide open like he was caught off guard" he said showing her then scrolling to the next one

"In this one she is looking towards the camera" he said "Lastly she has thumbs up in this one" he finished turning the phone towards her

Rose stared at it blankly for a moment before laughing hysterically "Colby..All..Day" she said trying to catch her breath she jumped from the table grabbing all her stuff

"Ro where are you going?" Randy asked her

"San Diego" she answered

"No I don't think that is a good idea" Randy said standing up "You need to go calm down before you do anything crazy" he added looking at her

"Ran I am calm" she said smiling "just going to see Le about the pics that's all" she added

"I don't believe you" he said crossing his arms "Plus we have a show tomorrow" he added

"I will be back in time" she said giving him a hug then leaving.

Leati sat at the bar with his hands gripped around his glass before letting a sigh escape his lips "I trust her" he said to Dean

"I know you do" Dean said smiling before looking at the pictures "In those pictures all I see is two friends having a cup of coffee and talking" he added before putting the phone back down

"I agree" he said nodding his head

"Orton and Ro are friends they always will be but trust me when I say her heart is with you" he said patting his shoulder

All of the sudden Leati started feeling dizzy and like he was going to pass out "I don't feel good" he mumbled out before laying his head on the bar.

"Dude what's wrong?" Dean asked looking at him "You only had three beers you can't be drunk" he added.

Leati didn't respond Dean called for the bartender and paid the tab helping him stand up and going back to the room once they went inside Dean laid him on the bed putting a bottle water and ibuprofen next to him. Dean racked his brain trying to figure out what the hell was going on than it clicked in his head that she had something to do with it.

"Get some sleep man" Dean said to him before storming back to the bar.

The four of them were sitting at the bar "Well what now?" Summer asked

"I don't know I didn't think it hit him that fast" Colby said looking at them

"What the hell?" They heard Dean yell from the doorway before storming over to them "What is this?" he asked pointing at the four of them.

"Just having a drink" Tracy said

"A Drink right" Dean yelled "So I guess it's safe to say you all have something to do with the pictures" he yelled again

"What are you talking about?" Colby asked him.

That sent Dean over the edge he yanked Colby off the bar stool and started punching him before being pulled off

"Why can't you leave them the hell alone?" he asked looking at him "This is the last chance you have to back the hell off because if you don't you're going to need plastic surgery when I am done with you" he yelled before leaving.

The next morning Leati woke up with a pounding headache he sat up grabbing the water and pills before rushing to the bathroom throwing up "What the hell happened last night?" he asked himself before hearing someone knocking on the door.

"Coming" he yelled before slipping on his shirt and pants and opened the door

"Rose" he said shocked

"Hi" she said looking at him "You look like shit" she added staring at him

"Feel like it too" he said looking at her

"Can I come in?" she asked he step to the side letting her come in he shut the door and turned toward her.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a show tonight?" he asked her

"I do but we need to talk" she said grabbing her phone going to the pictures

"Your right we do" he said matching her actions they exchanged phones then looked at each other

"I can explain" they said in unison she motioned for him to go first.

"I know that it looks bad but I promise she kissed me and I pushed her off I should have told you and I am sorry I didn't" he said looking at her

"It's ok Le" she said looking at him "That was the day after the party when I went for that run I stopped to have coffee and Randy seen me so he sat down we talked mostly about you he was the one saying go for it" she smiled at him

"Colby?" he asked looking at her

"Pretty sure" she said to him before getting up and going towards the door

"Love where are you going?" he asked standing up

"To handle the problem" she said

"Babe what if we came up with a plan?" he asked with a smirk

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