Chapter 27

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Rose's face fell her heart dropped to her stomach and she felt the need to puke "What is this?" she finally breathed out still staring at the picture.

"That is me and your fiancé in bed together" Lynn said to her "But that's what I want to talk about" she added Rose looked at her in disbelief

"Talk about what?" she asked "The fact that you hate me so much that you would do that to me again" she yelled as the tears spilled out

"But that's the thing Rose I didn't" Lynn said to her which caused Rose to look at her confused "Look I was mad at you ok over some shit that happened years ago when we were kids but I ran into Todd a few days ago and he told me what happened and Rose I am truly sorry for everything of the years I should of believed that you wouldn't do that to me but I was young, mad and jealous" she said to her "And I am so sorry for the Phil stuff Ro I will always regret what I did and honestly it was all to hurt you but truth be told I was angry at me because you were right I fucked my life up and I shouldn't blame anyone but myself for that" Lynn said as a few tears fell

"Lynn" Rose said but she put her finger up

"No please let me say this" she said looking at her "Rose I miss you so much and I know you most likely will never forgive me for all the pain I caused you, Your my sister Ro and were supposed to always have each other and we lost a lot of time and that is my fault but all I can do is work to regain your trust" she said then let out a deep breath.

Rose stared at her for a moment then looked her in the eyes and could tell she was being honest Rose nodded her head before speaking

"I am not saying I forgive you because right now I don't and hell I don't even trust you right now Lynn you hurt me in one of the worst ways possible but I am willing to work on repairing our relationship I miss you too" Rose said matching her tears

"But what about the picture of you Leati" Rose asked as her voice cracked

Lynn took a deep breath "Well a few weeks ago Colby called me asking if I wanted to hurt you and need I remind you this was before I found out everything when I was still so mad at you but anyways he asked if I wanted to help break you and Leati apart and I agreed I flew out to California and met him, Tracy and that winter or spring I can't remember her name" Lynn said

"Summer" Rose said

"Yeah her at the bar Colby had me slip something in his drink while he was distracted I did that and took one of his key cards after Dean took him back to the room we snuck in and undressed him and I got undressed and climbed in bed we were going to wait until your wedding day to show them because we knew how hurt you be and he wouldn't be able to explain because he had no clue" she said feeling like a weight was lifted

"This was all Colby's plan?" Rose asked her

"Yes" Lynn said "Ro I am so sorry I stooped that low" she added

Rose felt pure anger in her body she was ready to break someone or something she couldn't believe Colby hated the idea of her with someone else so much that he would reopen that old wound she couldn't believe Colby hated her that much.

"Thank you for the truth Lynn and like I said we can work on us but I need you to send me those pics and don't tell anyone not a soul that you told me if you truly meant anything that came out of your mouth you will do this for me" Rose said to her

"I did every word and I won't tell a soul" Lynn said to her "So what's the plan?" she asked her

"I am going to make him suffer" she breathed out

After Raw Dean, Renee, Leati, Sasha and Cesaro went to grab some food they were all sitting at the table eating when Colby walked in and sat at the counter.

"Too bad they didn't put him in the ER when they jumped him" Sasha spit out

"He didn't get jumped Dean whooped his ass" Renee spoke up

"What?" Cesaro said laughing "So why didn't he rat you out?" he asked

"Rose" Sasha said knowing the answer "At least you have a job still" she added

"Joe are you ok?" Renee asked "You haven't really said much about her and what happened" she added

"Well not much to say she made her choice and it wasn't me" he said he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket pulling it out


Leati excused himself before walking outside and calling Rose "Hi baby" he said into the phone in which Rose started yelling he pulled the phone away for a minute

"Ro calm down I can't understand you" he said to her after a second passed she finally calmed down "Now talk to me" he said to

Rose told him what Lynn had said and showed her "That no good piece of shit" he yelled "That is lower than low Rose" he added

"I know Le" she said "But that's why I am calling I want to change the plan just a little bit because I need him to feel the pain that I do knowing he was willing to hit me where it hurt the most" she added then telling him the new plan.

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