Chapter 29

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Rose stood pacing around the house as everyone was talking throwing their own ideas of revenge around "Will you all shut the hell up" Rose yelled letting out a deep breath

"Look I know you all have your own personal reasons for wanting to bring him down but this" she said as she pointed around the room "Is exactly why we didn't tell anyone about the plan" she added "There is too many hands in the cookie thing or whatever" she said in a huff.

They all looked at her "Were sorry Ro it's just that you and Joe mean a lot to us and don't like what he has done to you guys" Dean spoke up

"I appreciate that Dean I do but I need you all to act like you still hate me and believe were not together I mean you don't have to be so harsh but at least be mean" she said to them

"Ok Rose" Jon said

"So what's next?" Renee asked while looking at Rose

"It's time to bring Colby down a few pegs" she said smiling at them

Rose just arrived at the performance center she walked in seeing all the NXT stars working out and training and it brought back memories which made her smile and break her heart she shook her thoughts once she seen Paul and went towards him.

"Hi big brother" she said smiling at him

"Hi little one" he said giving her a hug then walking into his office "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever, How have you been?" he asked

"Umm do what the truth or lies?" she asked with her eyebrows raised

"Lies" he said laughing

"Oh well then I am amazing" she said to him "My hair is soft, six pack is shining, squat booty on fleek and my smile is still as bright as ever" she added with shit eating grin

"Now the truth" he said laughing at her

"Horrible" she said as the smile dropped from her face

"Talk to me" he said

Rose proceed to spill her guts to him going against what she was saying earlier but she couldn't keep it from him that was her big brother.

"Wow umm that's intense" he said shaking his head in disbelief "but at least Lynn told you the truth before that got bad and I am glad you two are trying to be close again" he added

"But Ro why didn't you tell me" he asked looking at her "I could of helped by getting his ass fired" he said with anger

"That's why Paul because you would of fired him and what the hell would that have done" she said "it would of pissed him off even more and he would of just continued to come after us and if he was willing to slip a pill in his drink there is no telling how low he is willing to go" she said a little loud "Sorry" she said looking down.

"No I understand Ro" Paul said to her "Well then what did you have in mind?" he asked her

"See that is where I do need your help" she said to him

"With?" he asked

"I need you to convince Vince to move me back to Raw" she said looking at him "Colby is already talking to him about it but I need you to seal the deal or have Steph do it but don't tell her what is going on I don't want her hands in this at all just in case it all backfires" she added

"Ok I will call him" he said looking at her.

Colby was sitting backstage in Vince's off "Wait not even a few weeks ago you were throwing a fit wanting her gone and now you want me to bring her back" he said looking at Colby.

"Yes sir I know it's been a little all over the place but me and her are on great terms and well I would like her on raw with me" he told Vince then pulled something out of his pocket putting it on the desk which caused Vince's eyes to go wide

"You're going to ask Rose to marry you?" he said looking at Colby

"Yes sir" he said to him with a smile "That's why I want her on Raw it will be easier to plan a wedding with us on the same brand" he said to him

"Ok well I have factors and ratings to look at so I will look into it but no promises" Vince said "Now get out of my office" he said pointing at the door "Kids" he mumbled before hearing his phone ring

"Hey Paul" he said answering it

"Hey Dad" Paul said into the other end "I want to talk to you about something" he added

"Everyone wants to talk what's up?" he asked

"Well I was thinking we bring Rose back to Raw the ratings have dropped since she left while Smack Downs have sparked because the fans love her" Paul said

"True" Vince said "Well Shane won't be happy" he added then smiled "So let's do it" he said laughing

"Ok Cool" Paul said before hanging up "Your back on Raw" he said looking at Rose who smiled brightly before getting up and hugging him.

"Thank you Brother I love you" she said to him

"I Love you too sis" he said kissing her head

Rose headed back to Leati's house walking in everyone turned their heads towards her "Well" Trinity said

"He went it for it I am back on Raw" she said smiling at them who all smiled back "And Lynn texted and said she be there" she added telling them

"Great" Renee said standing up

"It's time for Colby to crash and burn" Leati said looking at Rose who shook her head in agreement.

After eating and hanging out everyone left and it was just Leati and Rose at the house "So is Jo staying the night with Nessa?" she asked as she finished the dishes

"Yes" he answered her "So just us tonight sorry about your luck" he added while walking up behind her

Rose turned and faced him "Well if my luck means being stuck with you all night I must say I am pretty damn lucky" she said kissing him which he instantly wrapped his arms around her waist picking her up.

Leati slammed her gently against the wall as his lips found their way to her neck she arched into him giving him better access and let a moan escape her lips as her fingers ran through his hair "Fuck Le" she said before pulling back and kissing him she tugged at his shirt pulling it off and throwing it to the ground before kissing him again he walked them to the living room sitting on the couch as Rose straddled his lap.

Rose pulled back long enough for him to pull her shirt off "I want your lips Le" she moaned as she slipped her tongue in his mouth "I love you so much" she said placing a peck to his lips he smiled at her before giving her a long kiss

"Not as much as me" he said before flipping her to the couch and taking his pants off and taking her shorts off he started kissing down her body stopping right at her most sensitive spot and going to work she pulled him up after a few minutes kissing him "I want you" she breathed in his ear he didn't hesitate as he quickly slipped In her and they made love all night.

After they were finished they laid on the couch wrapped in each other's arms under the blanket Rose laid on his chest with her eyes closed before a small came to her lips "What?" he asked with his eyes closed.

"After tomorrow were done with Colby and we can plan our wedding" she said kissing his chest

"I love the sound of that" he said and kissed her head "Rose Anoa'I" he said smiling

"Rose Levesque-Anoa'I" she said laughing before they drifted off to a peaceful sleep before the drama of tomorrow.

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