Chapter 13

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Rose ran outside to the steps of the porch sitting down and letting the tears fall she was mad, sad, hurt and angry. Leati came and sat next to her rubbing her back kissing her forehead "When we were kids I always thought my sister would be my best friend the one person who I knew I could depend on to always have my back I looked up to her so much" Rose said with tears

"I never thought she be one of the people responsible for ripping me in two" she added looking down but could feel the anger rising in her

"I kept my mouth shut for years I never told anyone that she was the one he slept with" Rose said

"Why didn't you?" Le asked

"Because I didn't want that drama and I didn't want to my put my parents through that" she answered him her family step on the porch listing "And because some small part of me really hoped I could still depend on her" she said to him

"I shouldn't of lashed out like that in front of my family but for years I have had to deal with her underhanded comments and jealousy" Rose said looking at him

"So no one knew?" he asked her

"Not at first but I was fighting with him one day backstage Steph was walking by heard us so I spilled to her then she ran right off to tell Paul I had to beg him not to tell my parents" she answered him

"Le I'm not sorry I snapped" she said to him

"You shouldn't be" she heard her mom say that caused Rose to stand up and look at them

"Right" Lynn scoffed out

"Lynn" Paul said harshly Rose raised her hand to Paul

"I got this" she said then put her attention to Lynn.

"You have no idea what it felt like having to play nice to you knowing what you did and you made sure that it was hell all the underhanded comments and attitude knowing that you could push my buttons and I wouldn't snap in front of them" Rose yelled pointing at her parents

"No Rose you had no idea what it was like to live in your shadow" Lynn yelled back

"It was always about you Rose this Rose that I was sick of it" she added

"I was pissed all I wanted was to hurt you make you feel the way I felt all those years ago about Todd" Lynn said

"Are you still on that? Nothing happened with us. You acting like a crazy jealous bitch is what made him dump you." Rose yelled

"Right I saw you two" Lynn yelled

"He kissed me that's what you saw before you ran off but what you didn't see was me knee him dead in the balls because he did that because I knew how hurt you were" Rose said to her

"but then again you never let me tell my side of things you always just assumed, but what you did was worse" Rose said

"How could you Lynn?" Patricia asked

"Because I wanted her to hurt. What I did was wrong I will admit that but I don't apologize I loved him" Lynn said

Rose started laughing everyone looked at her "you wanted to hurt me hell you broke me even but what I find extremely funny is the fact that you say you loved him. You realize that night all he did was beg me to come home for months hell years that's all he did and what did you get Lynn? One night. You ended up alone not with him so congratulations on fucking yourself" Rose said

"Oh and now the whole family knows so if you thought you lived in my shadow you really do now" she added.

Rose turned to and looked at her family "I love you guys I do but I can't do this" Rose said to her parents

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