Chapter 5

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Rose woke up the next morning she turned her head to see it was eight she rolled her eyes and decided to get out of bed she got up and grabbed her clothes she through on an Elvis shirt, put her hair in a messy bun, putting her Nikes on and decided on no makeup. She was sitting at the table drinking coffee weighing the pros and cons. Rose turned to look at the clock seeing it was almost nine she took a deep breath and grabbed her purse heading for the lobby. Honestly Rose still had no clue what she wanted to do yes she wanted to be happy and find love but on the other hand she didn't want to lose her best friend. As the elevator reached the lobby she felt a lump form in her throat she swallowed as the door opened. Rose step out into the lobby scanning it she looked to the left of her and seen Colby, Sasha and Cesaro she turned to see Leati, Renee, and Dean as she locked eyes with Leati the minute she did the butterflies formed in her stomach and her knees buckled a little there was a slight smile playing on her lips. Rose turned to look at Colby and in that moment she knew exactly what she wanted to do. She turned on her heel and walked toward Colby. He had a huge grin on his face as she approached him. Leati's face fell and his heart broke

"I'm sorry Joe" Renee said rubbing his back as they headed out to the car.

"Hey Flower" Colby said as she stood in front of him

"Hey Colbs" She said staring at him

"I been meaning to give you two this" she said as she handed a card to Sasha and Colby

"Don't get to excited it's just a gift card to eat" she said laughing

"Well thank you Ro, So let's get out of here" Colby said trying to walk off

"Colby wait" Rose said

"Look I get that you are trying to look out for me but I need to do this for me and see where this leads I want to give Leati a shot" she said to him

"Even if that means losing me" He said sternly

"Yes" she said to him

"There is no going back if you do this Rose" Colby said pissed

"I'll see you around Colby" Rose said walking off.

"I can't believe her" he said angry.

Rose rushed out of the hotel hoping to find the group she looked around before spotting them in the parking lot walking towards the car she took off in their direction as she ran towards them "Guys wait up" she yelled causing all three of them to turn and look at her she smiled at them

"So who is ready for some coasters?" She said to them they all grinned at her

Dean and Renee high-five each other as Leati walked up to her "Leati i..." she try to say but was cut off when he pressed his lips to hers she instantly melted into his kiss and for a moment it was like time stood still and they were the only people in the world. She ran her tongue along the bottom of his lips begging for entrance and he happily allowed it she took her arms and wrapped them around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. Rose could feel how hot she was getting just from their first kiss and as she was pressed against him she could feel that his manhood was reacting the same way.

"Guys" they heard Dean yell "Look I am happy for you two but we really don't want to watch a live porno" he said laughing.

Rose pulled away resting her head on Leati's chest flipping Dean off in the process as Leati chuckled he pulled back and looked down at her "So me" he said with a smile

"You Le" she said back he gave her a quick peck and they climbed in the backseat.

Rose cuddled into his side and wrapped his arm around her "I promise I will make you as happy as I can" he said to her

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