Chapter 4

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Leati was looking down at Rose and his heart broke watching her cry "Baby you have to tell me what's wrong so I can help" he said rubbing her back

"Just stuff" she mumbled

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Rose froze in his arms "It's nothing I have to go fix my makeup" she said jumping off his lap

"Rose wait" he said trying to grab her

"I'll see you out there Le" she said before taking off.

Leati was confused on what could have happened so he went to go find Renee "Hey big dog" she said as he walked up to her

"Hey Renee" he said back rubbing his face

"Joe is something wrong?" she asked with concern in her voice

"Yes but I don't know what, that is the problem" he breathed out

"What do you mean?" she asked

"Well I was coming down the hall when Rose came around the corner knocking into to me she was crying I kept asking her what was wrong but she wouldn't tell me" Leati said looking down at his feet.

"Well I will go find her and see if I can figure it out" Renee said

"Thank you" he said before walking off.

Renee searched around backstage everywhere looking for Rose with no luck she finally walked to gorilla thinking someone might have seen her. As she walked up she made eye contact with Paul and Stephanie who were talking to Vince they nodded at her after they finished talking to him they walked over to Renee

"Hey Renee, do you need something?" Steph asked her

"Yeah I was wondering if either of you had seen Rose" she asked looking at them

"Earlier in makeup but not since then" Paul answered

"Ok thank you" Renee said before turning

"Renee is something wrong?" Steph asked she told them what Leati had said before Paul shook his head

"I think I know where she is" Paul said "I'll go talk to her" he added before kissing Stephanie and walking off.

Paul walked down the hall towards the end were no one was he seen there was empty room so he opened the door and seen Rose sitting there crying. "Ro what's wrong?" he asked as he shut the door

"Everything Paul" she said after a minute

"I took your advice about letting Colby go and moving on and he is pissed" she said to him

"What did he say?" he asked her

"That Leati is no good and has baggage" she said looking down "he told me to chose, its either him or a relationship with Leati" she added

"What?! That's bullshit Rose" Paul said looking at her

"I know right" she said

"I have done nothing but support him since the day I met him. I have had to sit and watch him with woman after woman even when hurt yes I get it that's my fault too I could of walked away years ago but I didn't" Rose looked defeated and Paul hated it

"Listen to me Rose, Screw Colby he doesn't make the decisions for you because Rose if he was good friend he wouldn't ask you to chose he be happy that your letting someone close" Paul said to her

"He is my best friend though" Rose said looking at him

"I understand that but are you willing to pass up a chance once again because of him?" he asked Rose sat there for a minute thinking it over he was right she had given up potential relationships because of him

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