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Saturday before Christmas Adair threw a party at his place and invited all of us. Old Christmas songs from the fifties and sixties filled the air as people danced in the open space where he usually had his backdrop. There was even a tree set up full of decorations off to the side. Under the boughs a plethora of presents piled high, and the other guests kept adding more gifts as they arrived.

Craven and I sat snuggled up on the couch sipping eggnog as below others danced and laughed and joked all broken off into little cliques and couples—we were no different. Craven, Alex and I had sat up in the loft since we arrived. Below, Dana and Doran, and Sam and Mikey danced together.

"I got a bite." Alex smirked, drawing my attention.

"Oh? I didn't think your parents were doing the traditional thing." I grinned at my friend, though in all honesty jealousy nipped at my toes.

"Yeah, supposedly they only told me because they heard back."

"So tell me about him?"

"He's older than me, late twenties and a Vasquez. Direct line Vasquez."

"Wow. The heir?"

She smoothed her Grinch hoodie and smirked. "Yeah. Crazy, right?"

"I'm happy for you."

"Don't be. Nothing is set in stone. I'm going to the Vasquez Christmas party tomorrow to meet him. They paired with the Sterlings this year, so I'll have Mikey and Sam there to keep me company if he's a dick. Oh, did you hear about Dana?"

"What about her?" I glanced over the railing, her and Doran were dancing so close you couldn't see any space between them.

"Doran's taking her to Faerie for Yule. He wants her to meet his family."

I glanced at Craven before returning my attention to Alex. "That's kind of fast."

"He's obsessed with her. It's cute."

Again, I glanced at Craven.

"So when I am going to meet your parents?" I asked him, and he promptly choked on his eggnog.

"Never more than likely. And that's a good thing. Let's see, my Mother told me she doesn't want to see my face ever again. Cael was her favorite. My father I haven't spoken to in centuries, I'm not even certain he cares if I'm still alive."

"I'm sorry."

He shrugged. "Don't be, I'd rather have you alive than my mother speaking to me." He kissed my forehead and draped his arm across my shoulders.

The party grew quiet and I glanced around worried. The people dancing had all stopped, Sam was down on one knee in front of Mikey with a ring box in hand. Apparently, Mikey said yes, as he let Sam put the ring on his finger.

Dana ran up the stairs and joined us as everyone started applauding. I joined in. Once the clapping died down, she snagged a petit four off the little tray on the coffee table.

"Since the three of you are here, I suppose now is as good of a time as ever." Craven set his eggnog down. "I've managed to speak with several of the old Runewardens, Wyrds and Shadowblades. Most are open to forming some sort of group dedicated to keeping the Fae in line once again, though going further than our orders allowed us before. I want to give you the option of joining us."

"Count me in." Dana beamed.

"Me too." Alex echoed her.

Craven turned to me and I pursed my lips.

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