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When I reached the door I put my hand on the wall, my power snaked down my arm and wove between my fingers tracing their outline, I twisted my hand a bit and the process repeated. Taking a step back I smiled at my handy work as the spell pulsed over one of the ten digits with an eerie glow.

"Craven teach you that?" Dana asked gazing at the makeshift timer.

"Nope, I just thought it up now."


"I guess." I shrugged.

"What are we supposed to do while we wait for Sam?" Alex inquired glancing at the door. "Or if he leaves?"

"No clue. But I'd imagine we'd probably attempt to stop that?" I rolled my shoulders and cracked my neck.

"Such a smart ass." Dana laughed quietly.

"I try."

For six minutes we stood there, idling outside of the door as the loud sounds of a some action film echoed beyond. Sam rounded the corner covered in blood, and I didn't need to use my magic to know that none of it was her own.

"Ready?" I whispered. The others nodded and I crouched low opening the door.

Inside, one of the walls was a floor to ceiling projection screen. On it some film that was still in theaters scrawled across it, as the surround sound boomed loud enough to shake the phlegm from my lungs. The walls were covered in weapons, and I couldn't help but to think that maybe, just maybe, attacking him in there might be a bad idea.

We had come too far to turn back, if we left the only thing we'd accomplish is pissing him off further. I hopped from foot to foot psyching myself up a little.

I hung back as the others silently advanced, and I stepped through Sam's shadow, emerging behind the couch with my dagger primed. Instantly I flew backward through the air as Cael threw me with his power into the far wall with enough force that I swear I stuck there for a second before gravity took over and I fell to the polished wood floor.

Sam, Alex, and Dana did the smart thing and attacked him all at once.

Anything and everything they thought to throw at Cael, the Sidhe prince instantly countered. The room was an electric light show of neon green, white, cerulean and sickly purple-green. Dana flailed her whip at him constantly but his power was everywhere preventing her from striking him. We'd learned from my mistake before, none of us tried to use his magic against him.

Once I could breathe again I struggled to stand and called my dagger. The weapon skittered across the floor until the hilt was in my hand. As I ran into the fray, Cael caught the end of Dana's whip. All it took was a touch and he enchanted it for his own purposes, a rolling cloud of purple-green slowly enveloped the weapon. In seconds, before I could run the span of the room that leather weapon sought out Dana's throat. She grabbed for it, which was a mistake. The spelled whip coiled around her arm with a sickening crack and she screamed as her arm broke.

"Mortals are so fucking fragile." Cael cackled as the whip wrapped around Dana's neck. She fought it hard but it was no use. Alex and I rushed to Dana's aid, attempting to force the whip to release her. It took longer than I'd ever admit for me to remember I could call black fire.

"Go help, Sam!" I pushed Alex away as I touched the whip and let my magic spill over the leather. The moment of panic was all Cael needed. The couch went flying through the air and connected with Alex, her glasses cracked as she hit the floor and rolled a few times before coming to a stop.

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