Chapter 26

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Shout Out To: DEAD-LIKE-U

~Not Edited~


I'm Terrified, I'm Hurt, I'm Lonely. But When I Think Of You I Feel Safe And Everything That Scares Me Fades Away. 


Chapter 26: Kidnapped.

(Toni's POV) 

I took a sip from my wine, watching everyone dancing and having a stupid bullshit smile plastered on their face. It's been five minutes since Layla hasn't come to me. I'm guessing she is with the girls or something. 

My eyes caught Katherine who came rushing towards me with scared written all over her face. "Toni!" She tried catching her breath. 

I furrowed my brows setting my cup down. "What? What's wrong?" I asked, she shakily opened her palm revealing Layla's bracelet. 

"I went to check the bathroom since she was gone for five minutes and she wasn't in there and when I was coming out I saw this next to the door." I slowly took the bracelet from her. 

"What the fuck do you mean, Layla isn't there!?" I shouted. 

She sighed. "She's gone, I checked the whole ballroom, she isn't here anymore." I clenched my jaw my hands balled into a fist. 

"Where the fuck is Ian?" I asked dangerously calm. 

She looked at me with wide eyes and fear written in them. 


(Layla's POV)

I coughed loudly, my body was laying on something hard and uncomfortable. Trying to move my hand but they felt tied, my eyes fluttered open revealing a dark room and only a window which was bared. 

I gasped looking up to see my hands tied, to the bedpost. Flashbacks of last night came to my head. "No." I whispered trying to open my hands from the tie. "No. No. No." I cried, as Ian's face flashed into my mind before I blacked out. 

I was kidnapped by Ian. This can't be happening right now. I stopped trying to untie myself when the door opened revealing him with a smile on his face making my body shiver. "My beautiful bride is awake." My eyes widen as tears filled them causing my eyes to become blurry. 

"Why did you do this?" I whispered, trying to move my hand but it was no use the ropes were tight causing my blood circulation to stop. 

His smile dropped as his hand shot up and grabbed my chin in a tight grip. "Because you are mine." He kissed my cheek, making me shiver in disgust as he made his way down to my neck. 

"Please, let me go." I begged and cried, he ignored continued to kiss down my neck. "If Toni's finds out he'll kill you." I whispered quiet scared, he stopped kissing my neck. 

Pulling away from me and looking at me with a dirty stare. "Bring that dirty man's name near me i'll punish you." He gripped my cheek. 

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