Chapter 17

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~Not Edited~


No matter how much someone hurt you forgive them because in the future it will come back and haunt you. 


Chapter 18: This is really happening.  

I finished curling my hair and makeup, i looked at myself in the mirror admiring my outfit. (Outfit on top) I grabbed my perfume spraying some on my neck and clothes, i walked out of the bathroom grabbing my shoes slipping them on. 

The door opened turning to see a dressed Toni, he walked over to me with a smile on his face bending down pecking my lips. "You ready?" He asked pulling away, letting me stand up. 

I nodded. "Yes." I said, grabbing my bag sticking my phone in there before looking over at Toni who was texting away on his phone. "Should we go?" I asked causing him to look up and smile nodding. 

"Yeah, let's go." He grabbed my hand interlocking it as we made our way out of the room, we walked down the stairs and walked straight towards the front door, Toni opened the door for me, i flashed him a smile walking out the door. 

He shut the door behind us and we both walked over towards his car, he opened the passenger for me, i slowly slipped in letting him shut the door for me, buckling my seatbelt as he hopped in the other side and turned on the car driving off to wherever he was taking us. 

"Where are we going?" I asked looking over at him, he sent me a wink before focusing on the road again.

"It's a surprise." He said, i nodded opening my purse taking my phone out, unlocking it to see fourteen messages from Mary and Larry, i shook my head locking my phone tossing it back into my purse.

The car came to a stop in front of a beautiful restaurant. "We are here." He said with a smile on his face unbuckling his seatbelt the same time i did, he hopped out of the car rushing to my side opening the door for me giving me his hand. 

I gladly took getting out of the car letting the warm air hit my body, he interlocked our hands as we made our way towards the restaurant, entering to see a lot of people eating talking, most of them were families. 

An old man behind the counter looked over at us and his eyes brightened when he saw Toni. "Toni! my boy." He walked towards us with a big smile on his face. 

"Uncle Ben, how are you?" He asked pulling the old man into a hug. 

"I'm good." The man said pulling away from the hug, he turned his head towards me. "This must be your wife, you always talk about." He winked at Toni, causing him to look at me with a smile while i blushed. 

"Nice to meet you, i'm Layla." I said shyly. 

The man smiled at me. "I know your name he told me all about you, i'm Ben i'm teaching him how to be a cook just like me." He laughed patting Toni's back. "Now what can i do for you two?" He asked us. 

"Well, we came here to eat your delicious breakfast." Toni answered wrapping his arms around me. 

Ben's face brightened up. "Have a seat, i have just the right breakfast for the both of you." He said pointing at the table and chairs, Toni nodded. 

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