Chapter 5: News....not good

Start from the beginning

"I have no idea, well its no joke. Please keep it a secret, not even the girls should hear.", I hate secrets.

"Sure, that's why I'm in the janitor's closest."

So that'd why she whispering, I smile knowing my friend's got my back.

"Bye Tam, Mrs Uzor will soon be in class.", I laugh at this, Mrs Uzor was her geography teacher and Vicky so hated the subject likewise the teacher. At first i never understood why she doesn't miss the class till she explained that she gets at least a 'C' for being present.

"Bye V, my regards to Mrs Latitude.", I use our nickname for her. She just groans and ends the call, I laugh and feel light once again.
Looking at the TV the broadcast was still going on.

"That's enough bad news for today." I switch off the TV. Tomorrow I'm going to the library, no staying at home. Going to my room, I do what I'm best at, sleep.


Esther's POV

I look around for Nancy before leaving the class, seeing her I walk over to her but not before Faye and her chicks got to her.
I don't know what she tells her but I know it's not good as I see Nancy's face drop, reaching them before she could do more damage I grab Nancy's hand and walk away.

"You should learn to walk away from her.", I scold her.

"And you should learn to talk with your mouth.", she retorts.

"I just saved you from that bitchy wannabe queen girl and the least you should say is a thank you.", I snap back at her getting angry.

"Oh, thank you your Highness for saving your subject.", she mockingly bow earning curious looks from other students.

"Nanycy stop this, we're attracting attention.".
That got her because, she straightened up immediately dragging me to the cafeteria. She needed to win the beauty pageant and ridiculing herself won't get her much votes.

"So what was that about.", I ask once we were seated.

"Hello, ghost girl here.", Vicky calls our attention to her. Oh poor baby she's been quiet since yesterday.

"I think it suits you" Nancy sarcastically replied.

"Stop it Cy, now apologize.", I give her the mummy's look. I'm actually the only one who can pull that face seeing I have enough practice with my cousins at home.

"Mummy I'm sorry please don't get so worked up and you too sis V.", she pleaded batting her long lashes.

"Go to hell girl.", Vicky laughs accepting her apology.

"Now what was that earlier?", I ask her once again.

"She heard I'm onto the pageant and she tried talking me out off it. More like threatening me to back off."

"Faye?", Vicky asks stating the obvious.

We nod our head in affirmation.

"Hi girls, your table looks pretty empty. ",  Tayo regarded our table.

I'm feeling it again, butterflies in my stomach. Tayo is one of the most handsome guys in school, captain of the football team, bass guitarist, 'A'  student, rich kid and cool personality. I could go all day staring into those brown eyes of his but Nancy kicks me under the table.

Giving him my best smile I answer. " Actually we got caught up in our little chit chat.", I face the girls who nod in agreement.

"Girls and their gist, I'm sure Tamuno's missing a lot.", he smiles again.

I forgot everyone knew Tammy, the girl who won the community's cup for singing, earning her the VIP ticket as Faye's number one enemy.

"Not really, I feed her on the details later on.", Vicky answers staring longly at his tray.

"Okay girls." Turning to me he scratches his side burn with one finger, gosh he's so cute.

"I actually wanted to invite you to Gozie's party, he's holding it at Grandeur hotel second friday of next month. You know how events are madly held there so here are tickets for you and your friends." he handed me the gold lined ticket.

Gozie's party was one of the best and invitation was scarce mainly for high class students regardless of the one held last week another was brewing fast.

I turn to face a grinning Vicky and a far away Nancy who seems to be looking through me.

"Earth to Nancy.", Vicky and I say at once snapping her back to reality.

"Man, when you zone out you zone out girl." Tayo laughs bringing music to my ears.

Get your grip together, you're seventeen for God's sake.

Maintaing composure I face him noticing he's been waiting for my reply.

"We'll be there, thanks." I flash my teeth at him once more hoping he doesn't see through my lie.
I should go for a toothpaste advert since I'm so good at this.

I watch him go over to the other side of the cafeteria, the table for high class students and sigh.

"Seriously girl, you should work on yourself. You were obviously tripping.", V fired immediately we were alone again.

"Can't help it girl, he makes my hormone rage."

"I know what's wrong with you.", Nancy seem to come out of her zombie like state. "You're hungry upstairs, I mean your brain."

"It needs to eat some sense" V added making the girls roar with laughter.

I wish Tammy was here.

My stomach chose that moment to rumble and this send them laughing again, only this time I join them.

"Let's get food before your record label produce more music.", I give Vicky a look she doesn't see cause she's already going to the queue.

I hate deaths, i wonder why Nancy is all worked up about the party, I wish I could go in her place.
*laughs* silly me.

I'll like to know what you think.
Love ya.

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