Chapter 14

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I wake up to my awful sounding alarm ,
Ding , ding , ding

"Turn that fucking clock off" yelled Breaker

"Don't you think I'm trying to do that"

"I'm giving you five seconds before I come in your room and destroy the bloody thing  "

Before I could say another word Breaker barged in with a fucking mallet and smashed my alarm clock into 100 pieces....

"Ok then but I forgot to check the time ..."

"ITS 12AM "

thank you can you get out of my room and off my bed now please ?"

Breaker had perched himself on my bed and had layed  down besides me .

" ten more minutes" he said in an adorable sleepy voice.

"Aweee is the baby tired " I cooed

"Yes now  lay down and come here"

"Ummmm"before I could say another word Breaker pulled me back into his rock hard  chest , placed his head in the crook of my neck and started to fall asleep.

"Breaker please can I go , Breaker I started to whine."

"Stop trying to fight me away , you might be a bad girl but just remember princess before you there was me , I'm the original Hun .."

"I actually give up fine what ever" I said before getting comfy and falling into a peaceful sleep ..

4 hours later

When I finally woke up I had to pry Breakers arm of me because we were tangled up like a pretzel.

I quickly grabbed my permanent maker of the side and drew whiskers and a cats nose on him , then for good measure wrote on his head STD machine (whose the original now bitch !)

Once I had done this I walked into the kitchen and looked at the time , shit it's 4:20 I thought to my self whilst chuckling a bit at the numbers ;)

Remembering I had a fight tonight I had a nice hot shower to relax my aching muscles and then washed / dried my hair , chucked on some yellow and black leggings with a black and grey sports bra then headed out , but not before grabbing my jet black sports trainers and bike keys for my beautiful Haley Davidson.

I left Breaker a voice message saying I would be back by 12pm latest then headed out .

On my way there I was stuck in traffic so me being me decided to weave my way round the crowd , however it turned out I wasn't the only clever one doing that because to my right I saw someone on a bike I would never have expected to see ... hallway boy .

Yes I know what your thinking who is hallway boy you ask , well remember on my first day at school there was that really cute guy that helped me to my class after I bumped into him ... well there you have it , hallway boy .

He looked over at me and smirked

"Sooo your the new girl at school right .." he said smoothly as he rode besides me

Yup that's me I'm Electra by the way , and your name is ..?

"My names Acer and before you ask NO I'm not related to any form of laptop ."

"I like you Acer your funny but im gonna need a nickname for you ."

"How about Ace "

"Nope that's too easy I like ermmmm , i like I know dimples ."

"Why though ,just why out of every name in the world you pick dimples."

Yup precisely

"Fine I'll be your dimples if you'll be my trouble."

"You have yourself a deal dimples , but why trouble ."

"Because I feel like wherever you go troubles right around the corner , and I love it ..."

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