Epilouge pt 1: After

Start from the beginning

Logan was finished with his schooling after those two years. He still worked in the yards but he also took things like wedding photos, seasonal photographs, and stuff like that.

People were extremely happy with the results and often suggested him to their friends.

My bachelors in journalism took three years to complete. I was successfully running my blog with a degree under my belt.

I used it to edit for authors and make my blog even better. That was until a representative from a travel company reached out to me after finding my blog and watching it for a while.

She told me that I was a genuine writer and Logan was a perfect photographer. The pair they were looking for.

That we were perfect together and that she'd like to mash our professions together to make our dream real.

I was skeptical for a little bit. I got traveling scams pretty often with the tabs I used, but this woman was adamant and proved her connections. Legally, there was nothing faulty about her.

I talked to other people who worked for her company and figured out that it was legitimate. One person who used to work as a photographer for National Geographic was hired by them to run the blog Web of the World. He traveled everywhere and all he had to do was take pictures, write about it and talk to natives of wherever he went.

All he had to do was experience. And he loved it.

The company paid for everything. The transportation, supplies, etc. The workers just had to make them famous and promote the business. Advertise while living the life. The pay was very nice too.

It took about three months for Logan and I to come to a conclusion. We decided to take the job offer, on the one condition that we could bring Nix with us. That was no issue, since to them, she added to the aesthetic portion of pictures.

They loved that we were young and full of wanderlust. Even more so that I already had a fan base.

Our first trip was to the Amazon. A personal plane was sent to the airport for us.

We were to take pictures of the forest and a certain people's that lived there. Talk to them and share our experience. I had no issue with talking to new people.

I used my blog to show the importance of fighting against deforestation. I got in touch with activists and posted everything important to Logan and I.

The thing was, it didn't feel like work. It felt like when we first met. Like our very first trip, where we had nothing to worry about and all we wanted to do was have fun.

My blogs fan base went insane over the news of our new job. They requested daily updates and pictures. Each picture had a chunk of my own original writing. I blogged and wrote about every trip we went on.

We hit a little over seventy destinations in one year. That was when we moved out of Louise's house.

Firstly, because we were gone most of the time and had our own jobs. Secondly, because she had a boyfriend, Todd. They had gotten serious and I was hoping that if we moved out, he would move in.

My scheme worked after about two weeks of Louise living by herself. Todd was a good man with a nice job. He loves Louise like Logan loves me.

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