Bonus Chapter (Chapter 32.5) - Somepony to Hold

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Twilight Sparkle & Trixie

After a long, strenuous night at Ponyville General Hospital as well as from saying goodbye to their equally distressed friends, Twilight Sparkle and Trixie teleport to the former's room in Canterlot. From the completion of Twilight's teleportation spell, they arrive at the same spot where they originally teleported from in the first place. And upon their return, Spike rushes up to them before expressing his overwhelming concern over their visit.
"Twilight! Trixie! You're back! So, what happened?! Is Rainbow Dash okay?!"
From Spike's questioning, the two mares share a meaningful, heartwrenching look with each other before the reluctant Twilight steps forward and answers in a quiet, disheartening voice, "Spike... I'm... I'm sorry. Sh-she didn't make it."
The subtle news hits the young dragon hard just like it did for the first time Twilight and the others had to handle that at the hospital earlier. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't hold back some of his tears as he weeps in disbelief and anguish.
"N-N-No... no. It can't be...!"
As Spike wails softly over the recent tragedy, Twilight walks up to him and embraces him sympathetically. With his figurative caretaker as his closest source of comfort, he pours out all of his sorrow into the young princess's soft, purple coat.
Eventually, his self-misery begins to die down before he looks up and asks Twilight in a grief-stricken voice, "W-well... what about the twins? Are they okay at least?"
With a small smile, she reassures him softly, "Yes, Spike. They are alive and well."
"Sigh... th-that's good to hear." he responds with a contented smile over the success of their births.
"Spike, why don't you get some sleep?" she suggests gently. "We've got a lot to do, you know."
"R-right, of course! I'll be up bright and early tomorrow morning!" he assures with a brighter smile.
But before he heads straight to bed, Twilight suddenly calls out to him, "And Spike?"
"Yes, Twilight?"
And once he turns around, the Alicorn Princess wraps him in a motherly hug with one of her wings to pull him in closely before she whispers to him in a very tenderhearted tone, "I love you."
A bit flabbergasted by this sudden embrace and her simple yet heartfelt words, Spike nevertheless returns the sincere affection as he hugs the compassionate mare once again whilst responding back in an equally gentle voice, "I love you too, Twilight."
After their quiet exchange, Spike retreats to his bedroom as Twilight and Trixie are the only two occupants left in the vast living room. And from feeling pretty awkward in the disturbing silence of theirs, Trixie decides it's best to say her farewells before leaving the castle.
"So umm... I should probably take my leave as well."
But from the subtle touch of Twilight's fore hoof on her shoulder, Trixie freezes in places as she stares back at her friend, who bears a very beseeching look on her face before she implores in an hospitable manner, "You're welcome to stay here if you like, Trixie. It's already getting late as it is."
Surprised at first, Trixie tries to decline the kindhearted invitation as mannerly as possible, "I don't want to impose if it's too much trouble for you."
In response, Twilight shakes her head as she reassures the humble Unicorn, "It's no trouble at all. Really. Besides, it will make me feel more at ease if you stay here for the night."
Despite her hesitation and best intentions, Trixie couldn't find it in her heart to turn down such a generous offer from the pleading princess as she timidly accepts it, "Well then... I guess I'll help myself to one of the couches her--!"
"Actually, you're more than welcome to share my bed with me."
From Twilight's sharp yet casual response, Trixie almost has a hard time to comprehend that before she lets the suggestion fully sink in, and almost right away, her completely startled face lights up with a massive, hot-pink blush. With a frozen, wide-eyed expression, various, raunchy fantasies flood from her wild imagination and play out in her mind.
And as the dumbstruck Unicorn remains lost in her faraway thoughts, the observant princess mistakes Trixie's discomfort for something else as she rephrases her offer in a frantic, flustered state, "I-I mean... it's certainly big enough for two ponies, but if you're not comfortable with that, I can--!"
Quickly enough, Trixie reassures the equally flushed Twilight strongly, "No no, not at all! Why would I be?! Ahem! Well then, shall we?" she adds with a sheepish, witty smirk. "A princess needs her proper beauty sleep you know!"
Leaving it at that, they slowly make their way towards the princess's bedroom and prepare their much-needed rest. And soon enough, the two mares are situated on opposite sides of the large, luxurious bed with their backs facing each other's as the still flustered Trixie makes sure to give themselves enough space from each other.
But as she tries to get some sleep, Trixie begins to think back to a particular moment of their time together when they were at Ponyville Hospital. It was when Twilight Sparkle had to excuse herself to notify the princesses about Rainbow Dash's recent death. And after she sent the letter, Twilight decided to wait outside for the Alicorn Sisters' arrival.
And in the midst of their waiting, Trixie, who is standing alongside Twilight with nothing better to do, quickly noticed the silent Alicorn Princess shaking slightly to herself. Cautiously, she slowly approached her shivering friend before she stopped herself and stared in shock over Twilight's sudden change in demeanor.
With her eyes tightly shut and a quivering bite of her lip, tears rained down her checks without any restraint. As Trixie observed this sudden, emotional breakdown, she was surprised by this in so many ways. Since the letter she received from Ford over Rainbow's recent labor, Twilight has remained so composed and strongminded as others openly expressed their grief in this unfortunate night of theirs. But at that point, with nopony else around besides Trixie, she could finally push aside her own inner barriers to let all of it out.
At first, the observant Unicorn led herself to believe that Twilight Sparkle needed to act so collected to handle her friend's death due to her status as an upstanding princess. But then she reconsidered that thought when she realized that she is just as much a pony as she was, even before her ascension. And it is because of that display of humility is one of the reasons why Trixie admires Twilight so much.
Unable to see the weeping Alicorn endure so much heartache, Trixie made up her mind and decided to step in to offer her sincerest sympathies. She could only hope that she wasn't stepping any boundaries on what she was about to do. And without a single word, the hesitant Unicorn wraps a tender fore hoof around the melancholy princess before leaning a soft cheek against hers. In the midst of her crying, Twilight was a bit startled by the unexpected embrace from her friend. But as Trixie almost considered on ceasing her well-meant affection, Twilight surprisingly returned the heartfelt gesture by wrapping her trembling fore hooves around the sympathetic Unicorn as a small smile spread across her grief-stricken face. Seeing how the embracing mare is feeling more at ease, Trixie smiled to herself and continued to carry out her task as Twilight's only comforter.
From that recollection, Trixie turns her head to look at Twilight, who still has her back facing her, and she quietly calls out to her, "Tw-Twilight?"
Despite not receiving any response from the purple mare, whether she is still awake or not, Trixie continues to speak her mind in a bashful manner, "I know this has been a very rough for you. But just I hope you know that if there's anything I can do, you can always count on me, Twilight."
Once again, Trixie is met with silence from the seemingly unresponsive mare. But before the blue Unicorn is about to face the other way once again, Twilight finally twists her head back and catches the Unicorn off-guard by bearing not only an affected, purple gaze that is about to break into tears, but also a grateful smile for the thoughtful magician's consideration. And as Trixie remains bewildered by the young princess's mixed reaction, Twilight twists her entire body around and wraps her hooves around the startled Unicorn mare before whispering in a heartfelt, appreciative tone.
"Thank you, Trixie. I'm so glad to have you at my side."
With the now serene Twilight Sparkle snuggling closely to her newly acquaited sleeping buddy, Trixie, despite blushing like mad from such close tenderness, beams with satisfaction as she maintains the tenderhearted embrace between the two of them. She isn't sure on where their future may be in their status as ongoing friends. But for her, to be seen as a personal consoler by Twilight Sparkle herself... this is more than enough for her.
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