Chapter 11 - Soothing the Weary Soul

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Seven Months and Two Weeks Remaining...

~ Mid of November (14th Week) ~

The following morning, Rainbow Dash rouses from her bed and gives herself a nice stretch after a goodnight's rest. Then she turns to her left and is surprised to see that Ford Mustang's side of the bed is empty. It's starting to become really strange for her. Most of the time, her husband is the first one to wake up first even before she got pregnant. Even if he does wake up before her, he would often stay in bed and snuggle very closely to her like always. But ever since last week, he gets up much later than usual, and now her stallion is no longer there right beside her.

Hovering down the stairs, Rainbow assumes that Ford is just getting breakfast ready for her. It's one of his favorite romantic clichés to do the whole "breakfast in bed" thing, which she won't deny on how sweet he is to always treat her like some noble lady. But once she is downstairs, she is puzzled on how there is no breakfast being made as her nose couldn't pick up anything.

Okay, if he's not in bed... and he's not in the kitchen... then where is he?

Instinctively, she glides into the living room as she contemplates on the whereabouts of her husband. But it didn't take long for her to find him as she stops in the midst of her search and gazes at the couch in front of her. Stretching across the cloudy furniture is Ford Mustang, who is still asleep and without any covers over him.

Despite wanting to question him, Rainbow Dash bears a thankful smile over her missing stallion, and she quietly leans over and gives Ford a simple yet sweet morning kiss. From feeling the warm sensation on his lips, he drowsily breaks into a smile before he begins to open his eyes. Once he catches a glimpse of his wife, he startles on impulse and breaks from their kiss.

"Oh! G-good morning, angel." he greets her in surprise.

Filled with concern, she asks in a gentle tone, "Ford... have you been sleeping on the couch last night?"

"Wha...? N-no!" he reassures hastily. "I simply woke up earlier than usual, so I took a moment to take a nice flight outside."

"And the reason you were on that couch is because...?" she inquires in mild skepticism.

"I guess that early morning flight took a lot out of me. That's all." he shrugs with an awkward smile while rubbing the back of his head with a fore hoof.
In truth, he did not just wake up earlier than usual; he woke up right in the middle of the night. And the cause of his recent insomnia is from that recurring dream he keeps having since last week. The one where he is in that dark and gloomy room of the hospital, where he is alongside Rainbow Dash as she agonizingly gives birth to their twins, and where she dies right after that while the brokenhearted stallion hears that dreadful flat line echoing the vast room.

The nightmare has become so frightening to go through that he decided to spend the rest of the night on the couch so he doesn't have to disturb his wife in anyway.

Of course, his means to keep this a secret is put on the line when Rainbow sits right next to him and questions him once again, "Are you sure about that? You look like you hardly got much rest last night."

Not wanting to lie anymore since it will just make his cover up all the more suspicious, he answers with a soft sigh, "Yeah... you're right. I haven't been getting much sleep for awhile. I just feel so... edgy."

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