Chapter 30- Around the World

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After a long, emotional day by spending time with her father, Turbo Dash, the two Pegasi made it back to her home in the middle of the night. And once they share a touching, farewell hug, Rainbow waves her father goodbye as he drags his now-empty flying chariot back to his own residence in Cloudsdale. Afterwards, Rainbow lets out a big yawn and she eagerly heads inside to get herself some proper rest.

"Mustang! I'm home!"

Strangely enough, there's no answer in return, so she assumed that her husband is already tucked into bed. But as she is about to head upstairs, she stops all of a sudden as she notices something on the floor. With curious eyes, she sees a postcard right next to her, and picks it up with her mouth and places it on her fore hoof.

Upon closer inspection, she reads a familiar slogan that's depicted in big, fancy words on a white, diamond-shaped sign as it features neon lights and ends its alluring phrase in bold, red letters:
"Welcome to Fabulous Las Pegasus."

After reading that recognizable logo, she flips it to see who sent this to their door, but to her confusion, no one has written anything on its backside. As she ponders on the vibrant postcard's blank message, she then sees another postcard right next to the staircase.

With her curiosity taking hold, she goes up to the next postcard as she tucks the first one underneath her wing. Once she picks up the next card, she reads it in cursive writing, "Prance" as it depicts the city's most iconic tower in the background. Again, the back of the card is entirely blank just like the previous one.

Then, she lifts her head up and sees a trail of postcards lining up the stairs, each of them portraying a different, exotic location. With a disgruntled sigh, Rainbow tasks herself to pick each and every one up as well as tuck them beneath her wings. And with every postcard she picks up, they're all share the same blank message as the last one.

Soon enough that trail leads her straight to her bedroom, which is closed before her. And once she opens the door, the lights suddenly come up as a voice rings out loud.


And from that startling announcement, Rainbow lets out a short, high-pitched squeak in surprise as her ruffled wings span out on impulse, which showers her with the postcards she was just collecting. As the postcards descend gracefully like autumn leaves, the slack-jawed mare remains completely still as she takes the time to verify the surprise that Ford Mustang has planned out for her.

On the foot of the bed next to the ecstatically grinning stallion is a colorful collaboration of luggage and novelties. Some of these tacky trinkets are just stuff you would find at a party store such as a tiki cup with an umbrella and a silly straw, an inflatable tube in the shape of a smiling, big-eyed sea monster, and some goofy-looking shutter glasses. And in front of the luggage are lots of traveling brochures with locations matching that with some of the illustrated postcards Rainbow picked up earlier.
Once she regains her composure, the wide-eyed Rainbow Dash asks in a stuttering tone, "Wh-what... what's all this, Ford?"

"Oh, nothing much." he replies with a very shrewd smile, "Just an exclusive, all-expense-paid, 30-day trip around the world for my favorite mare in all of Equestria!"

"Around the world?!" she exclaimed with even more surprise.

"Uh-huh!" he nods with constant giddiness. "While you were spending time with some of your best friends, I've been collaborating with Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Princesses on this idea I had for a while. And with their help, along with Turbo Dash's, I've picked out several vacation spots all across the map!"

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