Chapter 16 - Truth and Acceptance

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Author's note. (You all will find out the truth of this whole thing of why he has Ben longer, and now the truth comes out. Right. Now.)

On a dark, cold night, the two married Pegasi are placed on opposite sides of the living room. At the entryway, Ford Mustang, who had just returned from his fruitless journey in the Talos Mountains, is standing in place with a fearful expression on his face. And on one of the couches, Rainbow Dash is staring at her nervous husband with her forelegs crossed and an intense frown that displays her cold resentment for his recent actions, mostly for keeping a secret that he's been holding on to for far too long.

"I don't suppose this can wait until tomorrow morning, can it?" he pleads sweetly with an awkward smile.

As expected, Ford receives his answer with Rainbow narrowing her icy glare at him before she responds in a surprisingly calm yet monotone voice, "No, it can not."

With no way out, he approaches her glaring wife carefully, and he takes his seat on the same couch as her while making sure he gives himself enough space from the expressionless mare. Once he is situated on his side of the sofa, he proceeds to carry on their conversation.

"So... what would you like to talk about?"

"Where were you?"

"I... went out to see a friend." he answers cryptically.


"Oh... just a friend... who lives far away from here." he continues to stretch the truth.

"Another mare perhaps?" she emphasizes with a heavy scowl.

Surprised by that shrewd remark, Ford shifts in an unamusing frown as he replies in a low growl, "That's not funny, Rainbow."

But then, she snaps right back in full force, "Yeah? Well neither is breaking your Pinkie Promise and leaving me home alone for hours! Now tell me, who was it?!"

"Alright fine, it was Wagner!" he retorts out loud. "I went to see Wagner, alright?!"


"Because... I had some questions that needed to be answered." he responds with renewed hesitation as he averts his eyes away from his wife's inquisitive glare.

"Well then, if that was all you needed to do, why didn't you tell me that earlier?"

"I... didn't think I would take too long." he mumbles in shame.

"But you did."

From receiving that short, spiteful comment, Ford re-looks at Rainbow in the eye before he explains himself with increasingly annoyed eyebrows, "That wasn't my intention, I swear."

"Oh, and I take it that keeping secrets from me wasn't your intention either, huh?" she keeps at it with her sharp, snappy remarks.

Getting really tired of her snappiness, Ford counters with an instinctive, loud gripe, "Look, I have my reasons for keeping them to myself, so just be grateful that I didn't bother you with my share of troubles! Besides, you have no idea on what I've been through--!"

"WHAT YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH?!" she screams at the top of her lungs, which was enough for her startled husband to clamp his mouth shut as she carries on with her unrestrained, emotional rant. "Have you even tried to imagine on what I've been through?! I'm the one who's pregnant here and carrying our twin foals for us! Do you have any idea on what I have to sacrifice to go through all of that?! I feel overly lazy from barely doing anything around here, I get weird cravings every now and then, my body is becoming sore and completely out of shape, and to top it all off, I can't fly at such high speeds anymore without putting my foals in jeopardy! So don't you dare say that you're having a worse time than me!"

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